My dream come true

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AN:I'm just going to name these chapters by numbers and now you could read the story

I was chilling at home watching Sk3tchyt."YN put the volume low I'm trying to do sometimes here"Sub said."Fineee"I said."Thank you sis"Sub said.I was thinking to check on what Sub is doing so I went upstairs quietly and open his door slowly so I could get a sneak peek.He was just recording with his friends but then I realized the skin that his friends had and it was the pals."OMG"I said squealing and remember that I was in front of Subs door so I ran out of the house and he was chasing me but subs faster then me so he pinned me down to the ground."WHY WERE YOU SCREAMING!!"Sub yelled."I was umm scared cause there was a spider in front of your door and why are you yelling"I said."I'm sorry Y/N that I yelled at you but I was in a middle of recording and it hurt my friends ear drum"Sub said as he let's go of me."Can I tell your friends that I'm sorry"I said."Umm no I'll tell them that you said sorry"Sub said rubbing his back neck."come on please"I said."Alright then but just don't look at the screen"Sub said."I may look at the screen through"I said."okay fine you could look at the screen but I have to tell you something before we go in my room"Sub said."Is it that your in the pals"I said."How did you know??"."I was particularly peaking through your door"I said rubbing my back neck."Well yes I'm part of the pals and don't you ever peak through the door ever again and just knock on the door next time"Sub said in a serious tone."I'll try not to peak through the door"I said."You better not"Sub said."I'm just kidding im not going to peak through your door again only if you deserve it"I said."Okay good"Sub said.I was so excited to meet the pals only through screen but at least I'll get to hear their voices.
"Okay guys I'm going to present to you my sister"I said as the pals was shock."Hi guys I'm a huge fan of you guys"Y/N said."Sub I didn't know that you had a sister!!"Sketch said and the rest were still shocked about me having a sister."Well it was nice that she was here so bye little sis"I said as the pals screamed to let her stay for a little bit."Can I ask you questions Subs sister"Alex said."Yeah sure and my name is Y/N"Y/N said.
Your POV
"Okay Y/N is sub annoying to you"Alex said."Well it depends cause when ever I bring a boy over he always says weird things and that leads for the boy to leave the house"I said as Sub playfully punch me."YOU WANT TO START SUB!!"I said."No"Sub said."Okay where were we now"I said."ohh we were asking questions and I was about to say why did you bring boys over"Alex said."Since I had no friends that are girls so i have friends that are boys it's a weird story"I said."So sub can you come over at our house and bring your sister so we could meet her"Denis said."I'll come but i don't know if....."Sub said as I interrupt him by saying"Sub you don't even have to ask I'll obviously would say yes"I said."Okay Denis will come over in a bit"Sub said as I ran to my room to take a shower.I finish taking a shower then I change into black ripped jeans and a white plain long sleeve shirt."Sub I'm ready to go"I said as I went to his door and knock on it."Alright then let's go little sis"Sub said as I punched him on the shoulder."I'm not little any more"I said."Oww That hurt Y/N"Sub said as he rubbed his shoulder."Let's just go Y/N"."Alright"I said as I got in the passengers seat and Sub got in the driver's seat.It took about 5 minutes to get to the pals house.We were in the driveway of the pals house.Me and Sub went on front of their porch and knock on their door.
Elijah POV
I heard a knock on the door."I'll get it"I yelled so the guys didn't have to come down.I went to open the door and saw Sub and Y/N."Hi Elijah"Sub said."Hi Sub and Y/N come in"I said as I motion them to come in and sit on the couch."Hi Sketch"Y/N said."GUYS SUB AND Y/N ARE HERE"I yelled as I hear them running downstairs.
Your POV
Their house is so nice and it's so clean not like our house."GUYS SUB AND Y/N ARE HERE"Sketch said."Elijah did you have to do that"I said."I have to tell the to come down some how"Sketch said as the guys came downstairs and another guy that looks like Elijah."Hi guys"I said as I give the guy that looks like Elijah a confused face."Hi Y/N"Denis said as the others said hi."Ohh Y/N you have not meet my twin brother his name is Ethan"Elijah said."It's nice to meet you Ethan my name is Y/N"I said as I shack hand with Ethan and Sub gives me a shoulder and I playfully punch him."Hi Y/N it's nice to meet you as well"Ethan said as I look at his dark brown eyes."Should we recorded a pals video and invite Y/N in the game and Ethan"Corl said."Yeah we should"Alex said."I'll do it but do you have another computer or I could share it with someone"I said."You could share it with one of us"Alex said as he pointed to Denis,Braden,Elijah,Alex,Sub,and Ethan."I'll share with Ethan so we could talk more and know each other more"I said as I follow Ethan to his recording room."So Ethan hows your editing skills"I said."Their okay not that good"Ethan said as we started to record.
~~Time skips to the ending of recording~~
"That video was fun to do"Corl said."It was really fun to do especially when Elijah fell off the cliff"I said as I laughed.Im happy that I'm with this amazing people in my life💖

This was the longest I have written since I have made my other book.I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll be doing more but I'm working on the other chapter for my other book.

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