Chapter 7: Chaos theory

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I opened Max's door to see her Max in her room; she has fallen asleep at her desk. I walked around and noticed Kate's pet bunny, Alice. "Are you a hungry bunny?" I asked as I looked around and found a carrot near Max. "Here, eat this..." I said as I placed a small carrot in Alice's cage. Max gets a text notification on her phone, and the sound wakes her. "Kate!" Max shouted as she sat up from her seat and I waved my hands up at her. "It's okay, Max! It's just me!" I said reassuring her that we weren't on the roof anymore. "Z-Zabrina? What are you doing here?" Max asked wiping the sleep out of her eyes. "I...Uhhh....Chloe wanted me to check on you, and I can tell that she's blowing up your phone." I said and she leans over and unlocks her phone. She has received a text from Chloe.

Chloe (SMS): I have something to show you

Chloe (SMS): meet me in front of campus

Chloe (SMS): Zabrina's coming to get you!

Chloe (SMS): get dat ass in gear NOW

"I knew Chloe would be all over this... So we better get moving." Max sighed as she puts her phone in her pocket and gets up from her desk. I leave her room to enter the hallway of the girls' dormitories. Max steps out of her room and closes the door behind her. All the lights in the hallway have been turned off. "Okay, this is scary dark." Max said as she turns on the flashlight on her phone and I lift my shirt down so my gem could glow a bright blue color. "Let there be light." I said and I noticed Taylor looking at me and I walk towards her. "Hey, Zabrina and Max..." Taylor started and she looked down. "I--I saw you two go up on the roof to try to help Kate... I can't believe she jumped... " Taylor sighed and I shook my head. "I can. I just wish I could have done more to help her, but in the end, she saved Max and my life... Are you okay?" I asked and she shook her head. "I'm just, like, numb. I... I've never seen anybody actually die..." Taylor said and I nodded. "I did once. I did think you'd be so upset considering how much shit you and Victoria gave Kate..." I said and she looked at the halls. "I know, but I'm my own person, not Victoria's bitch. Hello, like, she's freaking too. She already broke curfew tonight." She gasped and shook her head. "Shit, I'm not supposed to tell anybody..." Taylor whispered at me and I smiled. "Max and I won't say a word. Wolf's promise." I said and she nodded. "I believe you, guys. Besides Victoria, you're the only who asked me about my mom in the hospital. That meant a lot to me..." Taylor said and Max nodded. "I'm my own person, too. Let me know if you need anything." Max said and Taylor smiled at us. "Thanks... You're, like, weird but pretty cool, Max. Especially after watching you and Zabrina go up on that roof. Victoria is wrong about you. Now I have to be alone for my nightly anxiety attack. Talk to you later." Taylor said and we left her. I noticed a dorm room was open and I saw Dana crying. "Hey, Dana... How are you doing?" I asked sympathetically and she glanced up at Max and I. "I just can't stop thinking about Kate...and if this is my fault too..." Dana answered sadly and I shook my head. "I think we're all responsible for what happened..." Max said and Dana smiled at us. "Not you, and Zabrina were close to her..." Dana said and I nodded. "You were nice to Kate too, Dana. That's all she needed from everybody else here..." I said and Dana glared at me. "Tell that to Victoria and the Vortex Club." She growled and I shook my head. "Dana, there's more to this than just Victoria and the Vortex Club being mean." I said and she raised a brow."So what exactly are you saying, Zabrina?" Dana asked and she looked down. "You think this has something to do with Nathan being expelled?" Dana asked and Max shrugged. "I'm not sure yet, but we're on it. Weird shit is going down at Blackwell, and We're going to find out why." Max said and Dana nodded. "I'm getting scared now... But people here are still sneaking out tonight... " Dana whimpered and I raised a brow. "What? Like who?" I asked and Dana shook her head. "Victoria bounced out of here earlier and now you, Sherlock?" Dana asked us and I rolled my eyes. "Not me. Max need a break from today... Get some sleep too, Dana. I'll see you later." I said and she nodded. We left the dorms and manage to sneak pass a drunken principal. We were walking along the path at the Main Campus. "BOO-YAH!" Chloe shouted jumping out at Max and I catching me by surprise. Max clutches her chest, looking shocked. I glared at Chloe. "Get it? BOO-yah? Like I'm a scary punk ghost... " Chloe chuckled and I hit her arm. "More like a scary insensitive asshole. Chloe, I watched my friend die to protect Max and I on a roof today. I don't think you need to prank me tonight," I shouted at her. "You always trip out on Max for not being there for YOU, but is this how you're there for her?" I asked while pointing at Max and Chloe looked at me and Max sadly. "I'm...I'm sorry, Max and Zabrina. I--I wasn't even thinking. I suck." Chloe sighed and I shook my head. I'm not trying to be a bitch because of you two, but...I'll NEVER get the image out of my head of Kate falling down... " I whimpered. "All because my power didn't work... It didn't mean shit." Max scoffed and Chloe shook her head. "I know seeing Kate fall was horrible for both of you. I don't even know how to deal with that, so I just...act like an idiot. But it's YOUR badass powers that's gonna bring all this to a close. We just need to connect the players." Chloe said and I glared at her. "And find out who really killed Kate." I muttered and Max nodded. "We have to stop this from happening to anybody else." Max said and Chloe nodded. "Oh, yeah, and somehow stop that tornado from wiping out Arcadia Bay...right?" Chloe asked and I raised a brow at them. "Didn't you say that it was all about "Chaos Theory"? I don't see any control over this chaos..." I said and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Oh, right, except for Max's ability to--oh, yeah--manipulate time and space. No biggie." Chloe sarcastically said and Max shook her head. "Chloe, I just feel weird about some of my decisions..." Max sighed and looked down at the sidewalk. "Especially after Zabrina and I just got Nathan expelled..." Max sighed while looking at me. "Dude, do not even torture yourselves like that. Let's focus on looking for clues, okay?" Chloe asked and I nodded. "I need to find out more about who Rachel was involved with around here especially sense today I smelled her on Jefferson's clothes." I said and Chloe nodded. "She was able to blend in with everybody. Even with people I hated." She sighed and Max nodded. "And even though I don't know her, it feels like Rachel is guiding us to the truth..." Max sighed and Chloe shook her head. " Fuck the truth, I just wanna find my friend right now... It scares me to think where she could be... Do you think she's...?" Chloe questioned and I nodded. "Alive? I HAVE to think that, Chloe. Her spirit is SO powerful here..." I said and Chloe shook her head. "Maybe too much power... Max, we have to find Rachel soon. We have to..." Chloe said and Max nodded. "I promise you we will. Like you said, it's time to start the search for clues. Now tell me, what's your secret?" Max asked and Chloe nodded. "Drum roll, please..." Chloe said as I patted my thighs and she holds up a pair of keys. "I present the spare keys to Blackwell. Thank you, step-prick." Chloe chuckled and I smirked. "You are such a boss, Chloe!" I laughed and Max nodded. " I just...don't want you two to get into any more trouble..." Max hesitantly said and Chloe shook her head. "Look at all the trouble dropping in Arcadia Bay. At this point, who gives a fuck anymore? We're in it to win it, Max. Lead the way..." Chloe said and Max smiled. "I'm so glad you're my partners in crime.." Max sighed and Chloe looked at her. "As long as you're our partner in time." Chloe said and I smirked. "Insert groan there..." I chuckled and I noticed someone walking out of the school. "Oh shit, Get down! Get down." I whispered towards Max and Chloe who hid behind a board as Mark and Victoria walked out. "Thank you again SO much for helping me put together a portfolio." Victoria said as walked out of the school and Jefferson trailed behind her. "Hopefully, the rest of the class will follow your lead. I'm sorry I was...distracted. As you know, it's not been a good day for Blackwell." Jefferson worryingly and Victoria nodded. "I know this has been an awful day and you can talk to me anytime, Mr. Jefferson." Victoria murmured and he nodded. "Thank you, Victoria. I're pretty upset over Kate as well... like Zabrina was." He said mentioning me and Victoria nodded. "I'm, like, still in shock. I've never seen anybody die. I really cared about Katie and her friend, Zab." Victoria sadly said and Mark raised a brow. ""Katie"? "Zab?" I...had no idea you three were that close. Did she...?" He questioned and Victoria raised a brow. " does this affect the Everyday Heroes contest?" She asked walking sultry towards him and he nodded. "It doesn't. The contest is still a-go and I still have to pick the winner to best represent Blackwell. I've got all the photos except one from...Max." He said and Victoria glared. "I'll give you a one-word sneak preview of Max's photo: selfie.'ve seen my entry, you know it's better than that. Wouldn't that be SO cool to hang out together in San Francisco, Mark?" She questioned and Jefferson glared at her. "Stick to Mr. Jefferson, Victoria, please? And, uh...I haven't picked a winner yet." He said as he starts to leave, but Victoria grabs his arm and stops him. "You already love my work, so it's not like you're playing favorites. Just imagine if you picked my photo, though...we would have to spend a LOT of time together... That could, don't you think?" She questioned in a passionate voice, but Jefferson seems uninterested in her. "I'm going to think that you didn't say any of that." He said and she rolled her eyes. "You might as well choose me...otherwise I might have to tell people you offered to choose my photo for favors or something..." She threatened and he chuckled lightly. "As a favor to your future, I'll also ignore that undisguised threat. This conversation is officially over, Miss Chase. I suggest you go back to your dorm now." He said as her eyes widened. "Wait!" Jefferson starts to leave; Victoria reaches for his arm, but he continues walking away. "I only..." Victoria holds her head in disappointment. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Victoria sighs to herself. Victoria walks past Max and Chloe on her way back to her dorm but doesn't notice us. "So stupid..." Victoria sighed to herself. "Just when I think Victoria can't get ANY more evil..." Max muttered towards Chloe and she nodded. "Shit is about to get real at Blackwell..." Chloe whispered at us. "I stared at the door and turned my head towards them. "Let's go find out." I said as I grabbed Max's and Chloe's hand and we leave our hiding spot. Chloe opens the door to the Blackwell hallway and we entered the hallway. Max turns on the flashlight on her phone and I shine my gem. "Chloe the Keymaster." I commented and Chloe chuckled. "You know it." Chloe smirked and Max looked around. "Dude, I don't know about this...we're both already in SO much trouble." Max said and I nodded in agreement. "You can always let Zabrina get hurt like you did with Step-douche." Chloe muttered and Max shook her head. "I'm serious. We're not kids anymore. We're breaking and entering..." Max said in frustration and Chloe shook her head. "If I have a key, how can it be breaking? They can't charge us for just entering!" Chloe shouted and Max shook her head. "I'm serious. We could go to jail..." Max sighed and Chloe shrugged. " Not if I'm related to the head of Blackwell security and the guard of Arcadia Bay. Step-shit will not want us in the hands of the local police... So we better find out what's in the principal's office first. You can rewind if we get caught, right? You have mad powers, Max." Chloe cheered and I rolled my eyes. "Tell that to Kate..." I grumbled as Chloe unlocks the door and enters the room inside. "Come on. One more door and our work here is done." Chloe said as we followed her towards the second door. "That's it!" She shouted as she uses the keys into the door then looks down at the keys in her hand, angrily." What the fuck? The security officer should have the key to the principal's office!" Chloe shouted and I crossed my arms."He's hiding shit. Like EVERYBODY here." Max scoffed and Chloe crouches near the floor. "Well, now we definitely have to get this door open. Believe it or not, Zabrina and I know a little about lock-picking...thanks to Frank." She said as she uses some pins to unlock the door. "I might as well test out my thief skill..." I mumbled as I sat next to her and I help Chloe begin to pick the lock on the door. "Go for it. We're already in this deep..." Max said and I turned towards her. "Well, you could look for the key...just in case." I said and she nodded. "Why, yes, I could..." Max said as she explores the surroundings but can't find the key to the office. "No key for thee... We have to find another way in." Max said and Chloe shouts in frustration. "Guess I didn't spend enough time with Frank... But I'll use my DIY lock-pick tools while you come up with a better plan." Chloe said and I shook my head. "You're doing it wrong." I said and she turned towards me. "What do you mean? This is the exact thing Frank taught us." Chloe said and I shook my head. "Watch and learn." I scoffed as I pulled out my pocket-knife. "You're mother's knife? How's that going to help?" She whispered and I chuckled. "Sera...She told me that this knife could open or cut anything, even pierce through metal, could affect people, Even gem people like me, blasts them to pieces but never their gems." I said and I scooted in Chloe's view. I placed the knife in the key-hole and turned abruptly hard, causing me and Chloe to fall straight through the door. "OH! Are you two okay?" Max asked as she rushed by our side. "Yeah, I'm just enjoying the view." Chloe said as she laid on top of me and I growled in embarrassment. "You asshole!" I shouted and she chuckled as she stood up. "Man, I can see why the principal locks this room up. Fancy faux art crap. He must want everybody to know he has money...but no taste." Chloe scoffed as she approaches the principal's desk and turns on the lamp. " How can you trust somebody who has a fucking bronze bird in his office? I'm glad I was expelled..." Chloe mumbled and I rolled my eyes. "Yes, if only the principal had a Monet or Picasso you'd still be at Blackwell..." Max said sarcastically and I laughed. "Eat me." Chloe chuckled as she starts searching the desk "I'm gonna pilfer the papers on this ugly-ass desk." Chloe mumbled as she sits down in the chair behind the desk and leans back. "Okay, sure, it's ugly, but damn, is it a cozy chair!" Chloe shouted as she puts her feet up on the desk and swivels side to side in the chair. "This is your chance to truly get all deductive 'n' shit, Sherlock! [takes feet off desk] Find us some clues about Rachel...or Kate...or Nathan...anybody!" Chloe said and she begins searching the computer. "I'm on the case." I said as I started sniffing for papers for Chloe, Max, Rachel, Nathan, and Kate. "I think we found everything in here..." I sais towards Max and Chloe glanced at us. "Max...Zabrina... you better come check out these files..." Chloe growled as we walked beside her. "Nathan accused Rachel of bringing drugs on campus? And my step-troll went along because he thinks Rachel was a bad influence on Zabrina and I?" Chloe questioned and I glared. "Assholes." I growled and Max raised a brow. "If David is teaming up with Nathan Prescott... That's a bad sign." Max sighed and Chloe glared at me. ""Nathan Prescott the Third." Oooh, he's so money. And you know the Prescotts dropped major bank to bury Nathan's real file... Look, it reads like a rap sheet---bad grades, teacher complains, secret probation... But I was expelled?" Chloe mocked and I smiled. "At least Nathan was finally suspended. Check out that note... Open it." I said and Chloe rolled her eyes. "That's just some crazy drawing..." Chloe growled and I widened my eyes. "It's not a drawing... look, "Rachel in the dark room... Rachel in the dark room..." Over and over. That's it."

Lost and Found: Return to Arcadia bayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon