「Bone Claws」

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Name: Bone Claws

Type: Emmitter

Ability: The user can sprout claws made of bone from their knuckles

▼ The user can freely manipulate the shape and texture of these claws

▼ When the user generates the claws, the bone material is in a goo-like shape before it is hardened into the desired shape

▼ If the user wants to change the shape of these claws, they will have to go through the goo-like state again before it is hardened into the new shape

Drawback(s): Breaking the claws off in their hardened state can cause immense pain 

▼ The pain is equal to actually breaking a bone

▼ No specific drawback besides this

Special Ability/ Attack: Bone Whip

▼ The user can trap the bone claws between the hardened and goo-like state, effectively creating sharp bone whips

▼ Doing so can disable the quirk for an hour or so after use of this attack


▼ The user's knuckles have slits that enable the bone to create the claws

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