「Crystal Wings」

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Submitted by Sky Hunter

Name: Crystal Wings

Type: Transformation

Ability: The user can form wings with a material that is similar to liquid crystal. 

▼ The user is able to summon the wings at will and can fly with them 

▼ The user can also crystalise the wings and launch sharp crystal shards from their wings

Drawback(s): When the user crystalises the wings, they become heavy and the user is unable to fly. 

▼ This can be solved once the user de-crystalises their wings

▼ The user can de-crystalise their wings once all the crystal shards are projected away

Special Ability/ Attack: Crystal Barrage

▼ The user can crystalise half of their wings, giving them the ability to both fly and launch crystal shards at the same time

▼ The user can only hold this form of the wings for 1-2 minutes, and the wings are less flexible when the user uses this attack


▼ The wings are attached to the user's shoulder blades, not the back

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