「Sharp Eyes」

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Name: Sharp Eyes

Type: Emitter

Ability: The user's gaze can project a material similar to the laser of a laser cutter

▼ The user's gaze is much more powerful than that of a laser cutter and is very dangerous 

▼ The user's gaze can virtually cut through any object

Drawback(s): The energy emitted from the user's eyes cannot be turned off

▼ The user can only "turn their quirk off" by either closing their eyes or wearing sunglasses

▼ The energy emitted from the user's eyes cannot affect the user itself

Special Ability/ Attack: Prism Reflection

▼ The user is able to temporarily split their gaze, making the attack like 8 mini lasers

▼ The user can only hold this attack for around 20 seconds, and can suffer from dizziness and blurry vision as they technically split their gaze


▼ The user's pupils are shaped like diamonds, and are not round

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