Chapter One We Meet

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  I woke up in my camp witch is just a Tent,campfire,and a Place for food and Clothes. I got dress putting on my mask and heading out of the tent the fire was almost out I grabbed my bow and some arrows and Headed out I hunted early in the morning and just before the sun sets. I always loved The morning it was peaceful and quit untill the nearby village wakes up then there is chatter and guards everywhere. I walked to a beach with an ocean where a A destroyed and Deserted house stood I went to it Ever now and then to get more wood it was easery then Chopping down trees or getting sticks. I walked in the house they doors were Broken And weren't locked I listened to hear a faint Hello it was coming from upstairs I got my bow and an arrow ready as I slowly crept upstairs to find a Girl with brown hair and yellow eyes "who are you?" I asked the girl who seemed to be scared "I....I'm K....Kuu" she said slightly studdering "where are you From and how did you find this place?" I asked whatching her closely Kuu looked at me "I....I don't know how I found it i was just walking in the woods and found it" she said and seemed less scared. I looked at her and lowerd my Bow "I'm Fenix,Fenix Rose" I said holding out my Hand as she held hers we shook and she seemed to smile There was something special About her but I didn't know what?

I took her to my camp and started to make another tent for her "soon I will find and take a horse so it's easier to travle" I said looking at her as she gathers some Sticks and rocks "I will also teach you how to hunt" I said. Kuu looked "how long have you lived like this?" She asked looking at me I didn't answer I kept working on her tent i honestly didn't know myself I just knew something happened and i started to live on my own. A Gust of Wind blew my Dark fiery red hair. I took off my mask and placed it off somewhere my Phoenix brith mark on my arm was showing but I didn't notice Kuu saw it "That's Cool I have one just like it but a wolf" she said as she pulled up her sleeve to Show a Wolf Birthmark on her shoulder I went over to look at it "i thought i was the only person to have something like this" I said we looked at each other and smiled "anyway I'll have to teach you how to steal" I said As I walked and finished up her tent. "What? Steal I can't do that" she said looking at me I walked over "it's the life of a scavenger and the way we survive we steal materials that we need to live like an Axe to cut some Firewood and some plant seeds so we could start a small garden for some Food" I said She looked at me "Well okay as long as it's for survival" she said. I got her A new offite and a old mask and I put my mine on and walked to the nerby village she fellowing behind we walking into the village "you distract him" I said pointing to the farmer She went over and started to ask questings as I sneaked up and stole a few bread and some Fruit and put them in my bag i gave her the thumbs up as i left she said thank you to the villager and Fellowed me out the village "who new Trying to keep someone's attention is hard" she said looking at me I smiled You did it!" I said and hugged her.

We continued on with the day I teached her how to hunt and we practice stealing some more.

A couple of weeks went by and kuu and I really became best friends she was kind and smart and was really tough. I sent her out to go hunting while I whatched the camp it was much easier with two people so people don't steal from us I had my mask off and my hair down in it's wavy way and was wearing a commoner dress I stole from the taylor when I heard a twig snapped and a sword drawn I turned around to find a young lady with hazel hair and wearing Armor "I got you now Theif" she said I looked and grabbed my sword "who are you?" She asked me I didn't answer "What do you want?" I asked her as she lunged forward to attack I Doged and put my sword to her neck "what do you want?" I asked again. She answered "To take you for the crimes you did" I looked "All I did was steal food and clothing tho survive" Kuu came back with a dead bird "Fenix I got us something to eat not much" she said and looked up "Fenix what's happening?" She asked. I looked at her "a Gaurd wants to take me away for stealing to Survive" I said And put my sword down. The girl "You stole from the poor for yourselfs" she said i looked "I'm the poorest you can get" I said "I never had money no one wanted me to work" I said "I have to steal to survive" I was ready to continued when Kuu stopped me. "There must be some Mistunderstanding we didn't steal we are travels and We were taking Goods that was promised us for our Arrival" she said I looked at her 'she is smart' i thought as she continued on "But the Refused to give us what they promised so we took it we payed it before arriving and when we got here we weren't given anything" she said the gaurd was speechless. "I'm so sorry I'm Lulu The head of the gaurd in the village" she said I looked "I'm Fenix Rose and this is Kuu" Kuu waved with a smile. Afterwards Lulu Promised to come by every night with food and New clothing untill we were good enough to live off of it Kuu thanked her I still didn't trust her but I couldn't say anything.
  Lulu Kept her promised For a month now she has been bringing food and clothing and updates on the village "More villagers are leaving the Lord has been gone for too long for it to fuction" she said kuu looked "you can be lord" she suggested not looking up from her garden she started a while back Lulu smiled "Thanks but It will go through Vote and I xan't ne lord unless we know if the lord is dead or just Quit from being a lord" I finally spoke up "I heard that an Assain was after the lord and mabey he got him" I said and we heard a voice "No Not yet can't find him anywhere he went missing" i looked up to see a man He was Handsom i was almost lost for words but i put my thoughts aside "who are you and what do you want?" I asked him he smiled "I'm Chochip" he said as he jumped down lulu and kuu drew their swords as for I did too
"No need Ladie I'm not here to hurt anyone" he said he wore a sleeveless like jacket showing a deer birthmark and we all noticed "we have one like that" said Kuu both me and her showed him ours but lulu "I have one too" and showed us hers witch was a Rabbit. We all stood silent for 10 minuets "mabey we stood start a group?" Kuu asked breaking the silence we set up chichop's tent when my Brithmark started to glow and Started to hurt I screamed in pain as Kuu ran over to me then everything went black I heard a voice saying "Fenix Defeat them Save Us all" then it was all black I woke up mabey a few hours later where lulu was with herbs a guy enterd "I'm Tokala And I'm a hunter I heard you screamed and ran over I'm like you I have the brithmark too" he said showing his witch was a fox and that when the group was fully form.

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