Chapter Two The Village Counsel

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I woke up to Lulu bagging on a pot with a spoon I walked out of my tent as for everyone else "What is it Lulu?" I asked her she "I have a Village counsel meeting and I need all of you to be there" she said Kuu "why would we be there?" She asked Tokala Whatched looked at Lulu "Yeah why would we go?" He asked Lulu "cause Fenix will need to pretend to be the lords Neice and you guys have to be guards and Her right hand" she said looking at everyone I stared at her in disbelief "Why?,Why me?" I asked her she smiled "Cause you have his Brother's hair and his wife's eye color" she said "Your the most believable" she went on "But I have no fancy Offites isn't his Brother a Lord too?" Chochip asked Lulu "I can get a More fancy dress then a Commers dress and some armor for you too" she said as she started to talk about the plan and said more about the lord and his family she said he had two daughters "Can't I just be the Daughter or grandaughter?" I asked Lulu "You do look like One of the daughters And I could have you say a story" she said "But Tokala will have to be not your gaurd but your Fiance" me and him looked and turned back "Is it easier then about the Lord's Brother?" I asked Lulu nooded I sighed "Let's do it" I said as she then told me the story to say afterwards she went in and Bought one Fancy dress and one fancy Offite she then got two sets of armor and gave it to Chochip and Kuu we then started awhile as Lulu got us horses she then came back "They don't know about any of this" she said as she smiled "I have to go sleep in the village and tomorrow morning you guys will ride in" she then left after telling us goodnight. Me and Tokala stayed up "What if we fail?" He asked I looked at him "We would be killed for being a Fraud" he added "They would Han-" I interrupted "we won't" I said "we won't get caught I promise just get some sleep" I went in my tent and thought about in and then I fell asleep.

The next morning I was up before the break of dawn and in a fancy dress that was perfect for the lord daughter Kuu was up and in her armor and she got on her horse witch was a Black Stalion with White spots chochip woke up a bit later then Tokala as he got ready and Got on his horse witch was another stallion but grey with a white strip Tokala got dress and got his sword and helped me on our horse witch was a White stallion with Black spots he then got on and we headed off. I didn't notice how far we were actually from the village untill we got there Lulu met us and she bowed "Lady Fenix how lovely to have you here" she said "and Sir Tokala It's nice to see you too" she said as tokala got off the horse and then helped me down. I looked at the village like I rember it "It dosen't look any differnt" I said Looking at the Gates as tokala walked the horse in with Kuu and chochip riding there in and then haveing to peasant people takeing them into the stables. Lulu "your doing great" she whispered as we walked into the village Counsle meeting room where everyone was seated ready to start Lulu enter "Everyone This is lady Fenix and Sir Tokala" she said I cruised and Tokala bowed and we sat down "I believ I found one of the lost daughters of the lord to come a reign the village and bring peace again" she said and she sat down there was an old Man who looked at me and got up and Bowed "My'Lady how long we have waited what happened to you?" He asked as he sat down I looked at him. "Years ago my mother,and sister were Kidnaped and taken away to another village to work" I said "I was found in the woods by another lord of a Diffeent village and Brought in as his own but he had a Son and I was merely just a family freind." I continued "a few Years went by and I forgot ever Building in the village every face every name Even my own Family I forgot I even forgot myself of who I was and where I came from" I said going off the script but it was all true I had forgotten everything about myself. The old man "Ah I see But I do not belive you are the Daughter" he said I looked at him, what how could he have seen past everything lulu looked "If this is not the Daughter then I have been fooled and will take care of her" she said the old man "You may look like her But she has a spirit that no one can copy a Brave,fearless,happy,Imagitive spirit that no one can Recreat". We all were silent Lulu broke the silence "check her Arm she has the Mark of the Phoenix" she said "I came upon her and she showed me her arm" the old man did just that he came over to me and pulled up my sleeve showing my Phoenix brithmark everyone in the room gasped.

In the middle of the meeting I was sent to the lords house it was bigger then all the other houses and a bit nicer and it was at the back of the village i was escorted by Lulu and some other people tokala stayed in the meeting to and help out while I was being showed around. Lulu showed me what was gonna be my room "I never actually been in any of the buildings before" I said "what if the Villagers dosen't like me?" I asked Lulu looked at me "They'll love you I promise" she said and smiled I smiled back As Kuu enter "Fenix I got lost I'm glad I found you" she said I smiled at Kuu "everyone in the Fire Phoenix can stay in this house there is enough rooms" I said Kuu ran off to pick her room first I Chuckled a bit. After a bit Tokala came back from the meeting "arrival party" he said looking at me "for the Lords daughter and her husband" he said and said down "What did we get ourselves into I mean i have to be your husband and you might not have feelings for me" he said "but I definitely have feelings for you" he mumble I couldn't hear him "What was that?" I asked him "oh nothing" he said. I nooded and paced "I mean We could see how this works" I said "and if people start asking questions we just don't show love in public" I said he nodded and left. As I whatched as he left I wished that Our feelings could be real I mean his feelings I have real feelings but we have a job and I can't ask him out unless he ask me out I thought to myself.

A few Hours later Kuu is getting me ready for the party "So boys" she said "Who do you like?" She looked at me I could tell by her look she wouldn't Stop asking if I didn't answer. "Well yes One Boy but I Rather not say who" I answered and Kuu looked like her plans were fouled "Okey dokie" she said After she was done She went to get ready I really haven't been able to look at my dress since It was chosen by someone Eles so I walked infront of a Mirror I wore a dress that wasn't the big or small it was Red going down to orange to yellow the colors of Fire is what I assumed my hair was down and wavy as always I took a Deep breath as I put on the shoes they were uncomfible so I took them off and put on my shoes no one would see unless I pulled up my dress I walked out of my Room To see Kuu whispering to Tokala I could see whatever she told him he wasn't happy nor sad not even angery he was between Happy and sad he wore a Suit That was an Orangish red it reminded me of a Fox. I'm pretty sure they went with our Brithmarks while picking out Outfites cause Kuu was wearing a grey and white dress with a bit of black like main colors of wolves and when I saw Chichop he wore a Hazle brown with White Like spots on his pants "I LOOK LIKE A MESS" he yelled meaning his pants I giggled so did Kuu and Tokala just Chuckled "Mabey they spilled Paint on it?" Asked kuu Lulu walked in she wore a dress that had a Ribbion that tied to the back witch was White and brown her Dress was a Hazle with bits of white and Gray. "I think they went off of our Brithmarks" I said "They did I was their when they picked the offites" Lulu said "But how We haven't show Out Brithmarks" Tokala said "I mean Fenix had to show hers But Us we didn't" we all nooded "Well I'm a Gaurd they know about it and I think they just Guessed It" she said Unsure but Sure at the same time. We heard a Bell witch ment "TIME FOR THE PARTY" yelled Kuu

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