Chapter Three The Party

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  As we all walked to the town square where the party was being held me and Kuu locked arms as we walked the guys were behind us Lulu infront of us. The crescent moon glowed like a full moon the stars gleamed brightly in the dark sky not a cloud at all "It's such a Beautiful Night" Kuu said I looked at the sky "It is a really nice night", we walked into the town square fairy lights were hung a band was playing as little kids ran after each other playing, young and old were dancing haveing a time of there lives there was a group of teenage girls in an area talking and laughing and smiling every now and then a teenage boy would ask one of them to dance, some people say down Talking and eating and just enjoying themselves the town felt alive and looked much more alive on the inside then on the outside. We all sat down at at a table Lulu being her had Gaurd equipment I had a Dagger ready just in case Chipchop had a dagger as well the other two have nothing.
      We all stayed at the table whatching everyone smiling people came to ask Kuu to dance wich was no suprise because Kuu was so a Lovely person that she just drew people in. I was suprise Lulu wasn't asked I mean she lived in the town and she must have had someone. I was lost in thought or too busy adriming the sky to notice a young boy had walked up to me. I looked at him with a confused look at my face the boy looked "Will you dance with me?" He asked he wasn't too young he was mabey the same age around 18 I got up ,"Okay,let's dance" and we were off. To be honest I never danced in my life I hadn't even was given practice because I wasn't expecting to dance tonight at all. Lulu whatched Tokala had looked away at his food. Chipchop was off chatting with some people. But I couldn't help but feel that I was being whatch not by Lulu or anyone of them but by something dark and sinister. I couldn't put my finger on it. When the dance was over I smiled at  him I still couldn't shake the feeling off at all. He looked "I'm Ambriel" he said now that I clearly looked at him he had light hair and eyes almost pink he had fair skin and wore a more formal look then any of the normal villagers "I'm Fenix" I said he lifted up my hand "Nice to meet you lady Fenix" he then kissed my hand. I felt my face get a slight red tint 'No one has even kissed my hand before and lady? What is with the formal Lady?' I asked myself. He stood up straight "come Lady Fenix Fellow me  I want to show you something" he said and grabbed my hand and we were off.
    We walked alittle bit and then up a hill when we got on the top I saw a Willy cherry tree it was pink and swayed in the light breeze fairy lights hang from it. It looks so magical I can feel like it give off engery like it was connected to me some how "Whoa" I said "this is beautiful" I added looking at the tree "and Said to be magical" Ambriel said I looked at him with a confused look ambriel "This tree is said to be one of the first trees made by The Lady of The Phoenix" he said "it Is said to be immortal and to protect this village as it was Made by the last of the Phoenix herself" he touched the tree "it has been here for many of thousands of years as long as the tale" he said "the story is in the heart of the village, the Village of the Phoenix Named after her No one really knows her name it was said to be kept a sercert for her famiky's protection" I looked at the tree 'it's just a tale' I thought. 'It doesn'r mean anything' i kept thinking to myself. He smiled and looked "It's a specail place for the village I just thought the new soon to be lord shall know of this Knowlegde" he then walked down the hill I  whatched then headed back myself.
    When I got back Lulu,chipchop,Kuu,and tokala were waiting "what took so long?" Asked Lulu "I was just takeing a stroll" we then walked back to the lords house I then rember the feeling of being whatched and i still feel it, it hasn't left me yet. I got in my room and got ready for bed and just fell asleep.

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