Not So Happy Campers Pt. 1

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I looked around at my surroundings dully. Birds, trees, lots of water, fish, and - yay - a dock with annoying forms of life on it.

Looks like we're here. Camp Wawanakwa. A freaking summer camp. The only reason I'm here is to pay my mothers medical bills. She was diagnosed with cancer 3 weeks ago. I was in juvie when it happened, but I was offered a deal to pay her bills. And if she was dead, I would have to be the one who would take care of my two sisters, because my dad (who was a marine) died back when Dawn and I were 13 in war. But a summer camp? Hell no! I'm fine, thank you. That wasn't in the deal.

"We're here", the idiot of a driver said.

"No shit, Sherlock", I growled. He backed away slowly. Ha ha, funny. Would you look at that - little shit's scared of me. Ha!

Well, since we're here, just want to say that Chris looks like a complete and total idiot.

Get it? Total idiot! Hehe. Like Total Drama! Haha!! I'm so funny!! ... You're not laughing... I-I'll just be leaving then...

"Everyone, meet (Y/N)!!" Chris yelled. He offered me a hand, and when I slapped it away he said,"Isn't she just a doll?"

I grabbed my luggage and did a flip off the boat, landing in front of Chris. Cause I'm awesome like that.

"Hello, (Y/N)! How are you?" Chris asked, while the other campers stare at me in fear and awe.

Take a picture, it'll last longer..... bishes

"Well, I'd be a whole lot better if I wasn't in this piece of shit summer camp", I grabbed onto Chris' shirt and growled in his ear. "And I hate surprises", referring to the summer camp that was supposed to be a hotel.

"You know I can send you right back to juvie", said he, oh mighty Piss.

"Please do", I said, rolling my eyes and walked to the other campers. I gave them each their very own glare.

Merry Christmas.

They all looked pathetic. Well, except for one.

I walked over to, like, the only other girl wearing black.
"Hey", she started, "I'm Gwen"

"(Y/N)", I said, nodding to her dark clothing, " you look like you're the only sane person here... or is it insane?.."

She laughed. Wow. I didn't know I was funny. Better add that to the list of things I'm amazing at.

A black-haired bitch dared to approach me. "Hi!" She said with fake enthusiasm. "I'm Heather. Let's be best friends!"

"Let's not", I said, turning my attention elsewhere.

Heather looked insulted and Gwen snickered.

"Now shoo", I said, waving my hand dismissively.

"Bitch! You will pay for this!" Heather snarled as she stalked away.

"Try me", I sing-songed.

Gwen and I talked while other campers arrived. Turns out Gwen was actually pretty cool. I think we're gonna be friends. Wait - friends? Gee, that's a strange word. Wow! I'm making friends! Never saw that one coming!

Good for me! ( please note the sarcasm)

More campers arrived, but only one caught my attention.

He had rock music blaring from a radio on the boat. I already love him.

I examined him head to toe. Total hottie.

Green mowhawk.

Skull shirt.

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