Not So Happy Campers Pt. 2

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Basically everyone, besides the awesome me, was shivering as we stood, in our bathing suits, on top of the large cliff. I mean seriously guys, it's summer. SUMMER!!

"Ok, today's challenge is a threefold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake," Chris announced.


"Wait, seriously? Is that all?! This show is boring"


"Piece of cake", Bridgette, the blonde surfer, remarked. I nodded my head in agreement.

Chris cleared his throat and began to more thoroughly explain the challenge. "If you look down, you will see two large target areas...."

Chris explained the whole thing, but I wasn't really paying attention and looked out at the horizon, thinking of my family.

I wondered how Dawn and Jade were doing. I wondered if they were still eating food daily, if they got jobs. I wondered of they were scared. Scared without me, the oldest sister (and as Dawn would always argue - "By two minutes!") to provide for them and protect them. I wondered how Mom was doing. I wondered if her condition was getting better. Getting worse. I wouldn't know because we weren't allowed to bring in our phones or any other electronics. So I couldn't call my sister's or the hospital. But the police promised that if anything happened to her that was bad, if her condition got worse, or if she finally lost the battle against cancer, they would call me. They promised. And they haven't called yet, so I'm hoping everything is okay.

No longer looking at the horizon, but now at the rough, blue waters, I thoughts of all my friends at juvie. Yes, I made friends. It's crazy, I know. Five friends to be exact. Cole, Willow, Dodger, Raven, and Garret. We were all in juvie for different reasons, but we bonded almost instantly. I met Raven first, seeing as she was my cellmate, and she introduced me to Cole, who was her brother. Cole and I hit it off immediately and he's my best friend. For awhile it was just Raven, Cole, and I, but then Garret joined us. At first, I thought he was a dick, but once I got to know him, he was actually a pretty chill dude and he fit in with our little group right away. Then we met Willow. Let me tell you: she's a crazy bitch. She's like insane. She actually got arrested at a party. Someone called the cops and everyone ran, but Willow, Willow stayed. She stayed and she partied hard. She partied until the cops put handcuffs on her. It was hilarious when she told us. When she told us I fell off of the bunk bed laughing and hit my head hard on the cement floor and had to go to the hospital. Worth it.

And then we met Dodger. He had just gotten to juvie and was the weak link. A target for bullies. So, after some convincing on my part, we took him into our friend group. He's now the mom friend. And guess what? He's not even supposed to be in juvie. Dodger actually covered up for a friend and took the blame for what his friend did. But good thing he came or else I would probably end up in real jail.

Okay, wow that was a lot of backstory. Sorry for overwhelming you. Back to dreadful reality! Yay! Haha I hate myself.

"Let's see.. Killer Bass, you're up first", the strange host announced.

Can I just say something for a second? Oh I can? Ahem.. I don't wanna be here. Yep. Thank you for your time.

"Oh wow, so, who wants to go first?" Bridgette asked nervously, looking over the edge. I kinda wanted to push her cause it was the perfect opportunity, but Bridgette is nice and it'd be better if it was Heather.

You could literally hear crickets. "So who's up?", Eva grouched. How is she so grumpy all the time? I mean, I'm one to talk, but still, lighten up, girl.

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