Not So Happy Campers Pt.1 (still)

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I took out my ear buds and stowed them away along with my sneaked in iPod.

I reattached myself to the shitty outside world. Yippee!!

I heard Geoff ask about chaperones. Turns out there's none! Yes! Time to fuck people up! Like setting Heather's hair on fire! Or putting Harold's underwear in his food! Or blowtorching Courtney's -


My precious thoughts were interrupted by a loud scream belonging to the one and only blonde bimbo #1 : Lindsey.

Oh Joy. What has that idiotic bitch done now?

I walked over to Gopher Cabin with everyone. I was hoping for something exciting, but all I saw was a fucking cockroach! They're such babies! Gah! Kids these days, am I right?!

"I'll be right back", I muttered to no one in particular. I lightly jogged to the girls cabin and grabbed the ax that I stowed under my pillow. On my way back I saw Duncan sharpening his knife by the fire pit.

"... What are you doing with an ax?", he slowly asked.

I shook my head and kept walking. In a dramatic voice, I proclaimed, "No time to chat, young one. I've got a cockroach to kill!"

"Why don't you just step on it?" He called back, confused, taking a sip from a glass of water.

I didn't look back. "I only use the most dangerous weapons on the deadliest of creatures. I will not let this cockroach slip out of our grasps again! For years they have foiled us! And I will not let him get away!! I swear on my mother's hospital bed, that I will cut him down!! Or most likely in half!!". I raised my fist in the air and ran up the steps to the cabin, leaving him choking on his water.

I ran into the full cabin, yelling bravely, "Fear not, peasants! I will slay the dreadful beast!!". I raised the ax up and swung down, chopping the poor thing in half. I laughed maniacally and evilily to myself.

"That's one way to kill a cockroach", Gwen smirked, high fiving my valiant hand. Everyone should be falling on their knees and worshiping me!! I am all powerful.

Ok, yeah, I'm done with the knight act. Please continue.

"Thank you. Thank you. I'll be here your whole life", I said proudly, waving at my tough crowd.

I choked on air when Tyler started flirting with Lindsay. "I you ever see one of those again, just let me know, ok?"

I snorted and pushed him, knocking Tyler off his feet. When I reached the door, Duncan put his opinion on the table.

"Pftt. They always go for the jocks"

"Not all of them", I flirted, winking as I walked out the door. The look of disbelief and bliss on Duncan's face was enough to make my crappy day.

-Time skip-

Oh! Would you look at that! It's the idiot driver!! Bestie!!

"Listen up! I serve it 3 times a day, and you will eat it 3 times a day! Grab a tray, get your food, and sit your butts down!", the so called 'Chef' yells at the top of his lungs.

I laughed, not taking this joker seriously. Then Harold and - ugh - Beth started questioning the poor guy about stupid food groups and shit. I mean, who even cares about being healthy, am I right?! I'm so right.

When I got to the front of the line is when the fun finally started. I looked the man straight in the eye. "May I please have some of your delicious goop?" I asked innocently.

He instantly brightened. "Finally! Someone who appreciates my food! Here, kid. Have extra"

He scooped some of the I don't even know what into a big spoon. I held out my plate for him to put some on. He smiled and was about to drop some on my plate, when I suddenly moved it; resulting in the goop landing on the floor. I smirked up at the now furious Chef.

"Clean that up and give me your plate, maggot!" He raged. Everyone was looking at us now.

"No", I said simply, staring him down. He growled and made a grab for me. I ducked at the last second and grabbed his arm. I pulled him down so that his face was right next to the fallen muck. Did I mention that I am very strong?

With his face right next to the muck, being held down by my shoe, I growled in his ear, "Clean. It. Up"

"Now listen here, brat-"

"It's (Y/N)", I interrupted, letting him go.

"What?" He asked, very confused.

"My name is (Y/N). And don't you ever forget that!"

He stared me down for a little bit and then sighed. "Sit your butt down... (Y/N)"

I grinned and sauntered over to the table. With everyone staring at me, I sat by Bridgette. I smirked at her and she high fived me. Thank you, thank you. I know I'm awesome.

Then, oh yay, Chris walked in, talking to the camera. "Welcome to the main lodge"

"Yo, my man. Can we order a pizza?" Geoff dumbly asked, raising his hand. Next thing you know it, a knife came slicing though the air at Geoff. Me,being the awesome me, caught it mid air, grabbing the handle.

I smirked at everyone before throwing it right back at Chef. Everyone was gaping at me, so I growled at them; they looked away.

"Your first challenge begins in one hour", Chris said, finally leaving us. I sighed in relief and slumped down.

"What do you think they'll make us do?" Sadie (or was it Katie?) asked from beside the friendly giant.

"It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?" DJ reassures her while I scoffed.

One hour later we were all in or bathing suits, standing on top of a cliff. How hard can it be you say?

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