Leave me alone

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Things to remember

Read A/n at the bottom

Y/n P.O.V
I woke up of course in my new home I got out of the barn and mooed loudly. The dog Paco (thanks everyone who told me). He came I to me. "Geez could you be any louder"! He barked. "Sorry. I'm a bull". I said. Then I heard the front door open of Nina's house. It was Juan he had come to feed me. He had some carrots along with apples and regular hay. I mooed and my ears shakes up and down. Juan smiled he poured everything in my food holder. When he finished I ate. When I finished me and paco had a game of tic tac toe. I was O and he was X. I won in the end. Later some stray dogs came into the yard. I assumed that they were paco's friends. But once they got closer to paco he growled. "What are you guys doing here"! Growled paco. "Oh us we're just here for meat because we smell blood"! Snapped the leader I guess. I looked at my wound it was STILL FUCKING BLEEDING WHAT THE FUCK DID VAL DO TO IT! I was in the barn of course I wasn't any where near that fight. But then the barn doors opened. I was laying down. I heard growls and snarls. "Look boys MEAT"! one of them snapped. "NO LEAVE HER ALONE"! Yelled paco. I was facing the other way so I couldn't see anything. "Why should we MUTT"! They snarled. Then I heard paco whimper in pain. I go raged up I stood up now I was looking at the dogs I looked down and snorted angrily. "Leave him alone"! I snorted. I mooed then charged they went running out. Then once I was out they circled me. I turned to each of them. Then it began I mooed and roared and stomped my hooves so that they would back off but they didn't they instead tried to bit my legs. Then finally one of them big my wound. My eyes went wide. I roared like hell a fucking loud. The barn shake. The dog didn't let go I pushed myself over to my side where the dog was and I squished him. When I got up I looked down at a horrible sight I had killed him. His body was all squished his eyes were popping out of his head blood on me and all over the floor. The other 2 dogs ran away. Whimpering. Nina saw the whole thing Juan was now concerned so he sent me back to 'Casa de toro'. My eyes filled with tears. Paco was barking at them to let me go. But it didn't work I cried sobbed I didn't want to go back Ferd hates me he hates me I didn't want to.
Once arrived
The men pushed me into the bull yard. Everyone was there yet I don't think they saw me until I saw the bunny he squealed and hopped on me. Everyone turned around my side now had a new scar the bite of a dog. I had my head low. I walked right past everyone. The bunny looked at my scars then I felt tears on my back. "It's ok I'm fine". I whispered. I went by my tree and laid there. Then I heard foot steps I looked up and saw Ferdinand. I snorted and turned away. "So you have a new wound on your wound how's that". He said. "Go away". I said. "Come on Y/n I didn't mean what I said. You don't have to be a bitch about it". Said Ferd. I stood up. "Ok don't ever ever can me a fucking bitch"! I snarled. "Come on forgive me please". Begged Ferdinand. "No you hurt me ok your broke my heart I thought that you had a heart but I guess I was wrong, leave me alone". I burst our crying and now running away from Ferdinand.

Hey guys I'm back I have been having the same dream or as I call it a nightmare I got worse day by day I kept on seeing things and my parents thought I was crazy but I'm better now, I went to a psychologist she helped me an told me just to relax and when she told my parents the nightmare and everything I told her my parents still didn't believe it but that doesn't matter I'm better now.

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