Chapter 2.2: Strange Research

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(To continue)
- 9:00 PM -
Radio: All visitors please go home for the patients to have their rest.. Thank you for visiting and God bless Your patient/s.

Senior: I'd better call Jim..

Liza: Im goin'. Mom and Dad!!!... Let's go now

Houston: Okay we are comin daughter..... Senior.... I don't freakin face this days huh????

Senior: (Timid face) ........🤐

(Liza's Mother - Clarisse Y. Airborne)

Clarisse: Honey....

Houston: (rapidly turns around) Oooh what?

Clarisse: Let's go now honey

Houston: Okay... I will get the car... Let's go Sweetie (Liza)...

Liza: Yeah.... Let's go Pa...

Clarisse: I will go down just wait... Im gonna donate...

Houston: Okay... I will wait you outside okay?

Clarisse: Yeah Honey....

Houston: Let's go Sweetie
(Goes in the elevator)
(And there are out....)

Clarisse: Don't mind my Honey... He is been that for a long time... Don't make him a speaker... Okay?

Senior: Okay.... He will also be iced later.....

Clarisse: Yeah... I know... You made him mad...

Senior: Okay.... And why talking to me... You don't know me right...

Clarisse: Yeah... I know you..

Senior: Who am I?

Clarisse: Your the one who foughted  my sweetie... GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!! You SlimeThug!!

Senior: Wait... Hold on...

Clarisse: So what?!!! You thug head!!!

Senior: Miss.... I'm not a thug...

Clarisse: You are a thug to me!!!

Senior: How can I be a thug if I can't smoke in the hospital....

Clarisse: Not in smoking (sorry for the word... Well not as strong) In words...

Senior: What words? I am not speaking.... (Discontinued)

(Goes to the real world - TODAY)
(Actually, its like a movie series, but just imagine it like its paused)

Wattpad Inspector: Why it has strong language

Stephen (Me): Sir... Its has no strong languages....

Inspector: See there is censored sound!!!! Then you said it is just PG...

Stephen: Actually who rated that?

Inspector: The MTRCB (Sorry just an example) (It's just a story... Not in real life)


Stephen: OK... You are right... But you never responded to them if it is vulgar.... And if you say strong language... A lot is already said..... (Logic)... But you only heard was one out of the whole story (Damn is exceptable... Depends on the use of words)..

Inspector: How can we vote a NEW RELEASE!!!

Stephen: Yeah.. Why you just don't watch these on your office..

Inspector: Because it's a NEW RELEASE!!!!.... and you didn't yet released it in the following places in the Internet...

Stephen: Oh... yeah.... I'm dumb...

Alone SummerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora