Chapter four-decisions

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Chapter 4


11:35 night time

*nock, nock, nock*erwin? are you in there?

Yes. come in and take a set by my desk. I'm glad you came.

* Erwin walks over to Anna and sits next to her*

I wanted to tell you something. Anna from the day I first saw you I thought you were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I knew I wanted you.

What?! Erwin I don't know What your saying. are you implying that you only let me in because of my looks? And you wanted me??

Anna that's not true. why would you assume that? your skills are off the charts! I let you graduate early because your skilled and beautiful. Anna I don't want you in Levi's squad any more.

What? why?I do fine in Levi's squad, or we'll I thought I did.

Anna I want you on my squad. I would appreciate you more then levi would ever. I would make you my assistant and you would go high Anna. just come and join me.

Erwin that's a wonderful idea and I have always wanted to join the higher ups, but I don't know if I can leave that easily. I have friends here.

I understand. just remember that I will always be there for you. you may have friends now but after some time they may not be that interested in you. same with levi.


With that I walked our of his room and was about to go to Levi's office when I saw the time

Shit! it's already 1:30! crap Levi's going to kill me!

When I went to Levi's office he was right in front of the door. so of cores with my wonderful luck I ran right into him.

GAH!! damn brat!

OW! so sorry corporal!

What ever brat! your late! get off of me and go sit down.

When I get up and walk to the chair levi gets up and of course dusts him self off for about 5minuets.

Well Annalise explain why your late, now

Okay. we'll the commander asked to speak to me.

What! that pice of shit thinks He can take one of my best fighters! he makes me sick.

Uh sir how did you know what we were talking about?

My your stupid. can't you tell that he's in love with you! I swear if you change squads I'll kill you! got it.

What? in love...with me? why would any one be in love with me?

We'll that's a stupid question! uh I mean ugh never mind.

*awkward silence*

Uh corporal. I started


Uh what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?

It was nothing. I...i just wanted to ask who you...

* Erwin walks in*

Levi! I just talked to Anna so... oh Anna why are you here? Erwin asked

The corporal asked me to talk to him. I responded with no emotion

I see. so levi you thought that you could spoil my plans. we'll good thing I thought ahead.

Yeah I know. Annalise we'll discuss this tomorrow.

Yes sir.

Authors note

No more italicized words? and no bold print? what's wrong with me!? you know that's funny cuz I ask that everyday! any way there was a problem. and I'm super lazy and sleepy that I didn't  bold and italics this chapter. I'm super sorry I know it may be hard to read but I'll fix that when I'm on my laptop not my iPod. it's much easier to do. but I am sorry. but thank you for reading!

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