Chapter thirteen-the mission

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Chapter 13

The mission

Levi's POV

I really hated leaving Anna by her self. but I know I have a job to do and that comes first. As I was readying up the horses that cheap shit head oluo starting boasting to Petra about how he was a skilled fighter.

Oluo your not as good as the corporal you know.

Oh but in good time you little brat I will be better than...

What are you two lazy asses doing?

Oh captain! I was just telling this brat over here how I am the most skilled fighter here.

Yes but I told him that you were more skilled though sir. Peter said that wail blushing. I wonder what she was thinking.

Both of you just shut your ungrateful little mouths.

Yes sir. they both said in unison

Captain were is Anna?

The commander and higher ups had her stay back.

What?! shouted eren way to loud.

But why she's our best fighter...other then you sir.

Uh actually I am the better fighter here not that little shit Anna! oluo said like a compleat idiot.

Shut up everyone! lets just rode out that's an order!

Why do they have to be so annoying? Crap! speaking of annoying.

Hey there levi! called hange.

Ohhhh! I can't wait to go see all those lovely titans!

What are you doing here hange?

I thought it would be nice if we all went to the wall together. you do know levi I am your friend.

Since when!

Since I just was! our friendship was made long ago in a ..

Oh just shut up!

We finally left that hell hole. and were off to the wall to kill titans. When we left the wall me and my team went off in the the titan forest. the problem was the the female titan. Erwin had ordered use to capture the titan, but unfortunately my team was wiped out by that bitch. eren had run off like they told him to, but he turned into a titan and fought with the female. he lost. she took eren and put him in her mouth. Mikasa Ackerman rushed to help. I saw that the brat was going to get hit so I helped. I slashed at the titan but her skin was to hard to break through. So I decided to just get eren. Eren was unconscious. Erwin finally ordered a retreat. When we got back there was almost no survivors. My whole team, gone except for a little shit head and Anna. Shit! Anna what will she think? I bumped into Petra's father he was saying something but I wasn't listing.

*back at HQ*

Levi? how was it? did you... levi were is everyone?


Levi?! please tell me that there just somewhere else! please! oh god this is all my fault!

*falls to the ground*

Anna. please don't think it was your fault.

But it is! If I would've gone I could of helped. I could've saved at least one of them! And eren he was one of my best friends. how am I going to tell...

He's alive. he's in the infirmary.

What happened?

He turned in to a titan and is now unconscious.

*hugs levi.*

What do we do now?

I don't know.

I'm so sorry levi. I really wish I could help.

I know but there would only be death for you.

What do you mean?

The reason that they died was because if a titan much like eren.


Yes. it covered its neck. Even when me and mikasa tried to kill it we couldn't even break it's skin. They didn't even stand a chance, and you wouldn't either. I'm glade you didn't go, I don't know what I would do if I lost you.


*anna kisses him*

I'm glade that you didn't die. I love you so much!

I love you to.

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