Chapter eight-him

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Chapter 8


Levi POV

I'm so dead! Erwin's going to kill me. especially now that I know I have some kind of feelings for Anna. Could she even like me back? whatever, but now I have to wait until her birthday to tell her. It would be better to tell her then. for now it's better if I could just give that stupid brat sitting next to her. I've never sat by her...i feel different like I can...ugh who cares!

* back at HQ*

Anna's POV

Anna! How was it? Petra asked

It was fine.

Did you dance?

No. Hey can we save the questions for later? I'm a bit tired.

Yeah, of course.

What am I going to do? Erwin says that he loves me and knows that I can love him back, but if I get with him I'll be leaving levi. and what about eren? ugh! this sucks! Erwin or levi!?

Anna I have a letter for you.

Okay thank you.

I wonder who it's from


It's me, Sasuke. I shan't to tell you I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. it was for your own good. if you stayed with me you would've died. I know I'm nothing to you right now but I'm coming over to the survey HQ to see you. I already asked you commander. se you tomorrow.


No! He can't i...i...shit! I have to tell levi.

*at Levi's office*



Uh...did Erwin tell you about Sasuke?

What? Sasuke? no who is he?

We'll he's sorta my boyfriend.

What!!! you have a boyfriend?!

Yes and I got a letter that said he's coming tomorrow.

Tomorrow! you little shit!

I'm really sorry corporal...i don't want to see him either...but Erwin...

What Erwin did this?

Yes I think so.

That ass! Anna you have to clean the all the bottom floors, since your boyfriend is coming.

Uh...yes sir.

Levi's POV

What! Anna has a boyfriend!? we'll I can't see why not though she is pretty... but oh god. It's all Erwin's fault. what is he trying to do? That dumb ass is going to get Anna taken away.

*nock nock*


Uh sir it's me Petra. I was wondering if you have read the letter yet.

What letter?

The one from my father.

Oh. no I haven't.

We'll could you please read it soon?

Tch! don't tell me what to do I am your corporal!

Yes sir.

* next day*

Corporal we have a visitor. he says his name is Sasu...

Oh shut up! just let him in.

Yes sir

Hey I'm Sasuke. Anna's expecting me.

Yeah I know dumb ass. she's up stairs.

You must be the corporal.

Yeah so what. just go see your stupid girlfriend.

All right shorty.

you little shit!

That guys with Anna? I'll have to take care of him. Ugh I can't or Anna would shyly hate me. but when she told me about Sauke she didn't sound all to happy so maybe she won't accept him.

Anna's POV

*up stairs*


Huh... sasuke?

Hey babe! you look so beautiful!

Uh thanks. but Sasuke why are you here.

To say sorry in person. I know I shouldn't of left you but...

I know you did it for me.

You understand then!

Yes but Sasuke you broke my heart. for the past five years I haven't been able to live anyone.

That means our love is true!

No it means you rely broke my heart. so much I can't love anymore.

Anna please don't be like that.

Sasuke I don't know of you know but two men the three weeks have kissed me and tried to take it to the next level.

What who! I'll kill them!

To late someone already did that...for me.

Who?! that's my job to protect you not...


What levi but he's so mean to you why would he do that?

I...i...i guess he does care.

Tch! levi that short pice of shit!

*grabes Anna by her shirt*

I'll show you that I'm a better lover then those two guys and a better boyfriend then that levi! Better boyfriend?

*slams her face on to the wall and hits her on the stomach*

Ugh! Sasuke that hurts get off!

No if levi loves you he can save you! but he's not so he doesn't lov...


*levi jump kicks Sasuke in the face*

Cough! Ugh my body feels heavy. I can't believe levi did that for me. But I can feel blood dripping down my face. it hurts more that Sasuke betrayed me.

Anna! are you okay?

Cough! I can't breath!

*turns towards Sasukes limp body*

you'll pay!

                                                               Authors note  

 ooooo. leivs going to kill someone tonight! poor Anna always gets caught inbetween things. i hoped you enjoyed that and please comment with some advice or anything else and thank you so so much for reading this.

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