Gateway Drug (Marvey)

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A/N: This is a ship I haven't uploaded here but I'm pretty obsessed with and I'm working on a few short stories. This is Harvey Specter and Mike Ross from Suits. Enjoy.

Harvey would contact Mike at the most inconvenient times. Like 3am on a Friday night, just hours after their hectic work week had simmered. He claimed that everything didn't feel right. That he needed to see Mike's face. He wasn't over it, what they had done this time last week -but they could just talk about things.

Mike wasn't in as much of a mood to chat. After last week when Harvey left him with a cold text, that things couldn't escalate. Mike, truly, would love to see Harvey right now -but he doesn't trust himself. He knows they both know why.

Harvey's kiss was a gateway drug. One was never enough. There was no other way to put it, Harvey's kiss was a gateway drug and once he got one it's never enough. It was a cycle because the kissing leads to touching which leads to loving which leads to fucking and someone always seemed to get hurt. Usually Mike. The kissing and the touching and the loving and the fucking also led to everything meaning only nothing. Mike didn't want to take the gateway drug.

Harvey had said that he loved Mike. Mike thought that if it was love, why was he left so alone? He didn't know why Harvey went and talked afterwards. Behind his back. He thought love meant not doing shit like that.

Harvey's kiss was a gateway drug. A gateway drug. The kissing leads to touching which leads to loving which leads to fucking and someone always seemed to get hurt. Usually Mike. The kissing and the touching and the loving and the fucking also led to everything meaning only nothing.

The kiss was a gateway drug. A gateway drug. A gateway drug.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed that.

Twitter: Grace_Williams_
Ao3: Grace_Williams

Everything happens for a reason I love you princes and princesses :)

-Grace Williams xo

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