Chapter 2

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I drove pass the Beacon Hills sign and down the road. glancing at the small stores, boutiques, and restaurants. This is nothing like Los Angeles. Less populated, calm and peaceful;  my taste so far.

        I passed by the local high school then suddenly something jumped in front of my car hitting the windshield. I widened my eyes but didn't scream, I taught myself not to. The figure fell to the ground  with maybe a few broken bones from the impact of the cement road. I quickly climbed out of my car and to the person on the ground. It was 16 year old boy with messy brown hair and brown eyes. He had a couple scrapes and bruises but a large gash on his forehead. I scanned his body for anymore injuries and stop at his fingertips that were followed by long yellow claw-like nails. What the fuck...? They disappeared as quickly as I saw them and the boy regained consciousness. 

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry; you came out of no where! Do you need to go to the hospital?" I asked worriedly, not wanting to have to speak to the police.  "No no its fine, just a couple of scrapes." He mumbled, matching my nervous tone. 

I didn't think he had any reason to be nervous really. I helped him up and he seemed to be in perfect shape, as if nothing had happened. He waved a hurried goodbye and dashed down the sidewalk at a breathtaking speed.  I blinked a couple of times not believing my eyes.

        I was turning to get into my car when i saw someone else in the distance. I could tell he was man but I couldn't really see his face. He came a bit closer into view where I can finally see him. He had dark handsome features on a tall frame with an athletic build. I could tell by the way he carried himself that he had dark secrets. I placed my hand over the pocket that held my knife, a reflex. He smirked like he knew I was scared and was amused by it. He walked away into the woods by the school with an expression like he was proud of himself for making me look like an idiot. Well that was nice. I got back into my car and turned on the ignition.

        I couldn't get his features out of my head. He was just so handsome but there was something about him that just screamed danger. His emerald eyes seemed dark with hatred. God help me with this. As I placed my foot on the acceleration there was a loud unbearable screeching noise outside my car. It sounded like one hundred nails dragged down a chalkboard. I hit the brakes and covered my ears. I looked outside through the car window and his cold green eyes locked on mine. He smirked again showing his sharp pearly whites. What is the guy's problem, Can he leave me the fuck alone? I got out of the driver's seat of the car to see what the hell had happened to make that goddamned noise to find claw marks down the right side of my strong reinforced steel car. And Mr. Douche that probably caused it was nowhere to be found. I wanna kill that bitch. I did my best to get him out of my head and I continued to maneuver my way through the town.

        I explored the town familiarizing myself with a few places I might want to visit until I saw a comfortable looking yet modern apartment building. A sign outside the building said that there were some apartments for rent. I smiled a little and parked in the parking lot of the complex. I got out of the car and entered the building. Inside it was rather nice and looked expensive. I passed by a large centerpiece table that  had a beautiful plant almost covering the whole table. I went to the main desk.

"Hello, I'm interested in seeing one of the apartments you have available for renting." I stated politely.

"Ah yes you are just in luck. We have one apartment left that has a view of the forest if that is fine." The lady replied who had long black hair and extra long painted black fingernails. Guess she liked them that way.

"Perfect." I smiled which I never do. I was just so happy to finally be have a place, I was tired of feeling like i was running . I just wanted to get settled and relax.

Unknown: A Derek Hale FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now