Chapter 3

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A.N- Thanks if you have continued reading! Means a lot.  By the way this symbol ~ means dream/nightmare . My friend Mandy is helping me out by reading over what I write and editing it so I thought I'd just let you guys know :)

       I scanned the area, taking in what I saw. I started to walk around just out of curiosity, into the house. I'm surprised it even survived the fire, It must've been a horrific one. Derek walked up behind me and so I took a couple of steps forward to make a good distance between us. to say I was uncomfortable around him was an understatement. I still didn't trust him and I didn't know if I ever would.

"What happened here?"

"A  fire was started in here, with a bunch of my relatives inside." Derek spoke with no emotion.

"Who would have done that? It's so... cruel" I actually felt bad for him now. Maybe that's why he seems to always have a poker face. He could have been full of joy when he was younger, just like me. I felt a lump rise in my throat,  Eva don't let your emotions take over. You still don't know what he could've done.

"Your aunt's family! They are the ones who did this." He raised his voice for a split second and clenched his fist but quickly calmed down. "I'm going to tell you many things. Do you promise to keep these things a secret? If you don't, I will kill you and make sure that the process is very, very painful." He stared at me with stern eyes. I wanted to speak and say something that made me look confident and bold, but I'm sure that it would come out a whimper. I just tried to give the most reassuring nod I could muster.

"The boy you saw earlier, who you ran over, he's a werewolf. I know they think it's me who turned that boy, his name is Scott McCall, but I wasn't and I'm trying to find who it was. You are part of a family who hunts mainly werewolves but also other creatures."

I feel like I've just been hit by a car, and I know it shows on my face, but this is what I wanted, I wanted answers, and if these are what the answers are, well then there's nothing I can do to change it anyway. That's what killed my mom, and maybe even my father too. That's what explains all the strange occurrences. "So its not just a fairy tale?"

Derek shook his head. "I do have one question for you... Would you like to be a werewolf? You can have amazing super strength, inhuman reflexes and speeds, your body will be able to heal, and you'll be able to see and hear things you wouldn't usually see." He said turning his face to the floor then back at me.

I stayed frozen for a second. Why would he ask me that? My whole body wanted to be one because of all the amazing abilities, but my mind took over. "No thank you, I'd rather be just a human being."

"Fine by me. Now what I really wanted to talk about. Since I know you are new and need money I signed you up to be a intern for Scott's lacrosse coach at Beacon Hills High School. You will gather as much information from him and his friend...Stiles..." He said, hesitant on the name Stiles.

I wanted to say no but I was curious. "Why did you just stutter at the name Stiles?"

He shook his head. "Doesn't matter." He said quickly giving me a cold glare.

I knew I shouldn't have asked. "You just want me to be doing your dirty work! How did you even know my information when you signed me up?! How did they even let someone else sign up for me?"

"I heard you talking to the lady when you were signing all the paperwork for your apartment. Remember werewolf here. And plus no one would say no to a attractive face like mine." He grinned obviously pleased with himself.

I rolled my eyes. "Well thank you for the job but I don't know about helping you." The name Mr. Douche stays, I thought.

"I'll pay you. My family still does have a lot of money." He said knowing that the intern job won't pay much.

Unknown: A Derek Hale FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now