New Roads! Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: infiltrating the Ruins

The horizon was brightening above the tree tops.
My men and i were waiting for the signal the start the attack.
From the cover of the trees an arrow was shot into one of the enemies archers throat.
Before he hit the floor five other projectile were cutting though the air, taking the life of the remaining guards. My group and another one went through the tree lines and carried the bodies away, adding the to those of the sentinels.
They i lightly opened the door. looking inside a saw two other guards, nodding off. looking at my men i raised two fingers and mimicked being asleep.
Weapons at the ready, i flunked the door open and entered the long corridor. with my knife under his troat i pulled him out in the open air. Nathan had done the same for the second guard. Landell closed the door again.
Our brusque handling of them had woken the two guards but our hands on their mouths and the blade pressing on their throat kept them quiet.
We pulled them under the trees showed them their dead companions then only i spoke to the two of them.
"I am gonna ask you guys a few questions, if you answer to them truthfully we will not kill you, if you don't, you will end up like your colleagues here present. Understood?"

The men nodded clearly frightened by him and him cordial smile.

"Good. then here is my first question: where is your armoury located?"

The bandits looked at each other none of them wanting to start rating their friends.

"I understand their is an honour code between criminals but i would recommend you to talk now or i will have to make you through less... civilised means."

I kept smiling knowing fully that they would not know what to think of my smile. still they said nothing. quiet upset it was taking this long i took one of the men's hand and pulled his finger until it cracked. when i released it, it was standing in an unnatural angle.
The man's pain cries were muffled by Landell's hand covering his Mouth.

"Again where is the Armoury?"

The man hooded by Nathan tried to talk and i made a sign to him to release the man's mouth.

"Th-the Armoury is down the corridor third door to the right."
"I see... what about the food storage?"
"One is two doors left from here, another next behind the dinning hall and the third..."
"Keep talking or i do his next finger."
"The last is at the end of the left corridor, just before where the roof has tumbled!"

"Your map has been updated.
You can now see were the small food storage and the Large open ceiling farm room is."

Only half of the places he gave me were added to my map, which meat that...

"You lied to me."

I felt the man in my grip shudder and saw the other captive pale.

"What is awaiting us in the third door to the right?"
"I don't know what you are talking about..."

I broke another finger. I was still politely smiling.

"Do not make me repeat myself."
"The main sleeping quarters! i tried to send you to the main sleeping quarters!"
"I see. that's okay. i forgive you."
"Yes but only this time. Now, where is the armoury?"
"First door to the right is a small one, second one has some outside materials for cold nights. first door to the left is a dormitory, second one a bathing room."

"Your map has been updated: you can now see the old forest ruins bandit camps Armoury #1, closet #1, dormitory #1, and bathing room #1."

"Okay. then what?."
"The corridors splits and goes in three directions. the left has two small rooms full of farming material, then the farm at the far end..."
"Anything else?"
"Behind! behind the farm there is a room where we stash everything we steal!"

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