New Roads! Chapter 60

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Chapter 60: Shelli Kingdom IV

It had been two weeks now since we took the second wall.
Many thing had happenend since then.
A day after the battle merchant came and settled in the lower city. It was common for merchants to follow war parties after all an army needed to be fed, furnished with consumables and its equipment repaired.
Although we had been warring for a year now it was the first time so many merchants came. It might have something to do with the video edited by Elizabeth my personal dive video editor and relised by me just before the siege started.

Two days after the merchants came the players. I had the squad leaders temporally enroll them with possible looting and increased friendiship whith Shelli as bait and tripple the size of my army.
Not that it meant much. sinse players were all in there for themselves and had no experience with military formations or cooperation i decided to consider tham as fodder.

Harsh? Maybe. Well, actually yes. Very. So what?

Sometimes the gates would open and lizard men would attack us, but then the players would all ruch to kill them.
The first time archers attacked from the wall and made quite a comotion until my soldiers took them out.

We were now at a stale mate. The lizard on one side and the army and players on the other.
The reason why so much time had passed was because i had ordered the construction of siege machinery. I now had three catapults, a ram, and a siege tower.

Today though was the day. Everyone had been preparing since morning. Sharpening their weapons and polishing their armors, checking their suplies of potions and bandages, forming ranks and receiving orders.
I had a classic invasion plan in mind.

When the battle begun i stood at the rear and observee as the shield bearer corcled and protected the ram as it closed in on the gates and started pounding on it. the enemy archers on the wall tried to take it down but our own range soldiers were killing them too fast. twice boiling oil was spread on the soldiers guarding the ram producinfg cries of pain and surprise and twice the healers had to intensively heal them using their magic.

As soon as the gates were broke the soldiers and players got in and started wiping out the lizards while the leaders directed them. In the meantime i snuck into the palace with a few men to take out the final boss.

The entrance of the palace was guarded by a silver scaled large lizard and a small golden one. the silvery lizard was using a bastard sword and a round shield while the gold lizard lunched support magic and healing spells from the rear. It took us a few minutes to bring them down. They were quite persistent.

The throne room was gigantic, at its end was a imposinf granite half destroyed throne.
A giant metal colored lizard man was sitting on it. it had a steel sword and armor parts. above its head the name "Lizard King" was displayed.
It was level 154.

"Sssith You have done well to come here humansss.Now you will die."

The lizard king stood up from its throne, fell on all fours and crawled between us. It grabed one of my men and one, to, three times bit him.
It would have done so a fourf but i projected a ki wall that hit him and forced him to release its prey.
It stood back on its hind legs and unsheathed its sword. With one swip of its blade it created powerfull winds that disturbed our steps and forced us to bend down.
I fed ki to my muscles and walked forward, sword at the ready. I slashed the lizard king legs twice . it felt as if i had been blocked by a chain mail.

Its scales are made out of metal!!

I put my sword back in its sheath and started pumeling the boss with ki empowered fists and kicks.

If slashing doesn't work then smashing will!!

My men followed my exemple while the last of our group healed the one who had been beaten. Whe continued smashing the Lizard king, escaping its tail swings, bites, sword slashes and wind lashes. its crowling and wind power were the only difference compared to the Brown Lizards we had fough before so we all knew how to deal with its attacks.

I was thinking that it was too easy when two lamias (half human half snake creatures) came in bow in hand and started shooting at us.
We switched our efforts on one of them and managed to defeat it after a dozen minutes or so. We the second lamia saw her sister die she dropped her bow and started to frantically attack us by wipping her snaky tail at us. Another dozen minutes were necessary to defeat her.

In that time laps the lizard man king had had time to recuperate and went back to attacking us as soon as he could. Thirty minutes of battle latter and half of his life bar away, lizard men started entering the throne room. Many of them were wounded.

"The enemy is retreting! The troops won't be long now! Keep it up a little longer!"

I was right. soon after the enemy arrived, sounds of battle reached us. the soldeirs were leading the attack followed by the players, they were exterminating all the lizard men on their path.
When they were done they formed a circle arround us and watched as i and the five other men battled with the giant Lizard King.

I was relieved to see that the players respected the untold rule of not intervering with anothers battle. On another hand if i died they would finish off the boss, get its loot along with he one i lost. Maibe they were secretly hoping i would fail...

No way i will do that!

With renewed vigor i punched the boss in the stomach. for the next twenty minutes between evading and parrying i kept punching and kicking at the same place until its scales were all flatened and dull.
Seeing their state i continued hitting on the same place until a scale fell off. i kept going for a few more minutes and finaly the Lizard King left flanc was deffenseless. I pulled my blade out of its sheath and plunged it all the way up to its guard in the oppeming. The monster let out a belowing shout and swung his claws at me. I had no choise but to retreat.
But i wasn't done with him yet. I concentrated my ki on my palms and expanded it into two ki blades whose edge i kept vibrating. i basically held a saw in eacch palms.

The lizard King grabed my blade and pulled it out of his flanc. blood spurted out and he threw the sword away. With two swift strides i entered the lizard's space and palm stiked its side just on each side of the previous wound.

Since only i could see the blade no one understood what happenned when the lizard king threw up blood and started twitching and convulsing.

I hit him a couple more times to be sure and he fell dead. the usual message anouncing that the proof of liberation had been handed ro me appeared. i closed it and strted working on looting the lizard king and the two lamias.

I got two good and one supperior quality large scale hide, the round shield, one of the lamia's bow and a few arrows. I then gave the order to the soldiers to do the same with all the corps, count the dead on our side and prepare for the night.

By sun down a large funerary pyre had been lit for the fallen soldiers while the lizard men remains were being burried in a common grave. All their belonging had been previously stripped bare and put into the trailers or sold to merchants.

I had climbed to the highest tower and was observing the many people working below me. It would take a week for the messenger to reach Shelli's capital, hand over the proof of liberation and another one to return here.
In the mean time the walls would be rebuilt and the soldiers and players would keep the place safe for the workers.

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