New Roads! Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: the Grand Tournament, part 1

I was left wearing the beginer clothes.
I went back to the arena were i received a light leather armor resembling the one of a roman foot soldier and a simple iron sword.
No options or additional stats.
I was however given the choice between the type of sword (short, standard, long, strait, curved, one handed, two handed) and wether i would be using one or two.

Then i went to the observation area.
The arena had been devided in multiple rings were two swordsman would fight against one another. The match would last a maximum of ten minutes after witch it was the one with the most health that would win. If a players health entered the red zone he or she would lose too.

In short a standard duel between players.

[Your match is next.
Prepare yourself.]

I stood up, expecting to be called any second now. A referee came to me and led me to an empty ring, checked my equipment and allowed me on the ring.
From afar i heard the dwarf announce my fight but his voice drowned into the noise of the many surrounding duels.

My oppoment was holding a shild and straight sword. I hand just one sword.

We stood oposite one another and waited for the signal of duel start to happen.

As soon as it did my oponnent charged at me with full speed and tried to bash me with his shield. I side stepped the attack and pludged my swords in his ribs to the hilt.

Immediate victory.

I went back to the observation stage and waited twenty minutes until my next opponent was ready.

He had a long two handed sword. once again i side stepped his charge and plunged my sword in his guts and twisted hard.

Perfect Kill.

In the same fashion four more adversaries went down. Then the second turn began and my opponents were better. They studied me and my stance before attacking and some even tried feints.
I crossed swords with a dual swordwoman that gave me quit a thrill.

Too bad. if it had been anyone else than
Me she would have passed this turn.

The third round came and i had to fight against a very fast shield and sword user that managed to graze my side.
I delt with him by rolling under his sword arm and curting his side as i stood.

(A.n. Seyaaa! Btw that was Link)

The second was using a short and a long sword. His attacks were eratic and confusng as he kept changing witch hand held which sword. As i tried to block or parry i missjudged the distance and got hit byy the long blade many times. I ended up loosing patience and kicking him in the stomack before decapitating him.

With this the first stage of the swordsmanship duel we done. From the 4380 inicial combatants two third had been eliminated.

I ate at the Guild Hall. It was stock full of clients. Contestants and spectators had migled and were talking of the many fifhts they had seen.

I was sitting by myself at the bar, drinking fresh juice and eating cheese and fine bread with an apple.
I wanted to be relaxed durring the afternoon contest.

When the trompets clamored again i returned to the arena. the ground had been changed. The duel rings were gone, instead a long line of archery targets were on each length of the arena.
I was given an orange head band and a wooden bow.
The dwarf came to vitit us before the competition to tell us how to proceed.

There would be a White, Black, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow and Green hedband wearing archer for each target. The marker woud tell us witch one was ours.
After that the archers would each shoot an arrow in a given order, the scores would then be recorded. the 100 people who would score the worst would be eliminated. The process would repeat jntil a third of the contestant were gone.

Trumpets sounded again and we all leaft the Gladatorial Quarters for the arena grounds.

My target was at the end of the arena
Soni had to walk quite far.
My fellow archers were an
Elfe, a Beast-man, three female humans and two male humans.

"All white archers prepare to shot"

A female human went foward and raised her bow.

"at the drum's signal you shall fire"

She drew her arow a few seconds later the drums rung and she shot. Bull's eye.
The same happened for all of us.

[Ben Varrand
Score: Ex-equo first place with 2831 others]

After the losers had evacuated the arena i had to change target and became a Black archer.

I shot three more times before the shooting range was lengthed.

[Ben Varrand
Score: Ex-equo first place with 2231 others]

The shooting range was expended again. Two more shots

[Ben Varrand
Score: Ex-equo first place with 1974 others]

Further away again.
Six more shots.

[Ben Varrand
Score: Ex-equo first place with 1862 others]

That is how my first day of the tournament went.
Truthfully it was quite borring.

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