Kelowna B.C

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Dylan, that's my name. Dylan Robertsoon. Yes, I know my last name isn't spelt properly but that's how my family writes its kinda stupid but whatever. I don't really care how its spelt except for the fact that teachers and doctors call me Robert - soon that's not how its supposed to be pronounced. Anyways I was born in Woodland, Maine United States. Not too long ago I moved to Kelowna BC Canada. We drove all the way there in my dad's red and white striped 1977 dodge D/W. We listened to Led Zeppelin's houses of the holy the whole way there. We bought a 3 1\2 acre farm and now that it's just us we can do a lot more "guy" things like riding our motorcycles and play football. I was never a sports guy until I moved to BC, and not just cause of the BC Lions. It's a little warmer over here and we live not too far from the biggest river I've ever seen and surrounding the river is seemingly endless forests. There are sky-high mountains and fields of boats along the shores of the river. After a few days of unpacking I headed off to the plant store and bought all these flowers with names I can't pronounce. Across the aisle, I saw a girl she was the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my whole existence. She had curly red hair and a flower crown made of daisies. Bright green eyes. Her face was a little dirty but not so much that she looked like she was unhygienic but enough to know that she had been working all day.  "you're planting a garden huh?" she asked.

"Uh-y-yeah" I said coming back to reality "do you know much about flowers?"

"Yeah well, I know quite a lot. What kind of condition is your garden? Is it Shady, Dry or What?'

Ah, she spoke again her voice was a little raspy but gentle. I was relieved to find out that she was going to the same school I was scheduled to attend the following September. We talked for a while and I didn't realize how long we talked for until my dad came back from the shovels aisle. After grabbing the flowers the girl picked out specifically for the conditions of my garden. She said goodbye.

"I didn't even get your name!" I hollered over to her. She didn't answer she just smiled. I decided to give her a name for my own "Flower Girl". Once dad and I got home I told him about the girl I had met then continued to tell him about how much she loves flowers knew about them. Dad didn't pay much attention to me.  He just kept replying with "uhuh, yeah, okay, that sounds nice" I was upset and asked myself why he wasn't interested, this was the first girl I ever took even a slight interest in.

The next day I went back to the store, dad forgot to get a watering can and asked me to go as he got started on painting the fence while the morning air was still cool. She was there.

"Do you work here or something?"I asked politely.

"Yes I do, I work with my dad. He says it's good to get work experience but he just tells me to stock the shelves" she says her voice like honey.

"That's cool does he pay you?"

"No, he says my rewards are the roof over my head and the food in my stomach"

It's not a real job if you aren't getting paid to do it so I guess it's not really a job that her dad gave her it's more like child labour. Thought better not say that out loud. I asked her where the watering cans are and she brought me to an aisle with four different types of cans. All different colours and each a different size. The first can was a light pink one and it was un usually tiny you would imagine a old cat lady watering her Catnip plant. The second one was a decent sized one and it was forest green for the average gardener. Number three was your old golfer down the street blue and it was over average in size. The last one was a bright neon yellow and it was the largest of the four. I looked at all the cans and with a concerned look on my face, I chose the yellow one. The flower girl asked me why I wanted such a big watering can.

"my dad is gonna make a big garden so this one seems perfect" I said this in a cocky voice she didn't take that lightly.

"Okay Mr big garden I'll walk with you to the till" the wit in her voice makes me smile to myself.

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