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I walk towards the door. My finger lightly touches the doorknob. I turn it hesitantly and pull the door slowly. I look up to see a police officer.
“Hello I'm looking for a Dylan Robertsoon”
Pronounced wrong as always.
“Yes hi” I reply.
“I have very heavy news. Do you mind if I come in? “ he asks I return by walking in gesturing him to follow. My dad and hazel sit on one couch and across from us is the officer. He begins by saying “miss Angela Davis has passed recently” my dads face turned from a confused look to a shocked one. The love of his life that left him for drugs has died from an overdose. “Her funeral information is on this card. She died from a heroin overdose. When we went to her house we found a box of letters. It seems like she wanted to send them here but never had the chance because they all have the address and stamp on them” he hands us a box of letters and a card. “I'm sorry” and then he leaves. Hazel is confused. My dad is crying and I'm in tears also. I storm off to my room and sit on my bed. My head feels like there are three thousand rocks inside. My throat is dry my eyes are blurry and my nerves go numb. My mom has died. All those years leading up to her death she abused me and my father. Every time she came home with a needle in her purse I knew that that was a bad night. That feeling of fear that haunted me every bus ride home from school. The hate I had for drugs and my mother all vanished with her spirit. It's really hard to know that everything she said or did to me or my father didn't matter anymore. After she left I thought that everything would get better but it didn't it just got different. Hazel walks in my door and sits beside me. She grabs my hand and starts wiping my tears with a cloth. Her gentle touch made them fall more. I start sobbing and he hugs me. I start falling and we end up laying down and we fell asleep like that.
The next morning I wake up and she's not in the bed. I get up and walk to the kitchen where she is. Dancing in the kitchen with my flannel on and nothing else. It's too big for her I guess that's why she likes it so much. I walk towards the living room and I look in the box. In the letters, I read stories my mom remembers of all of us being a family. All the good times. The time she gave me my first led zeppelin album “houses of the holy” the day we bought my dad's dream truck. The red white stripped dodge. My first concert. Vance joy and the tone of the trumpets and the bass guitar working together to create a breathtaking series of rises and drops. All these things that made me miss my mom. The last letter that I picked up read “dear Dylan and my love dave,
I haven't been the best mom and it was not right of me to leave you two. Leaving was the biggest mistake of my life and I regret it every day. I want to say that I'm sorry.”

That's it. That's the story. I know a hard way to end it but trust me there will be more. I wanted this series of chapters to be short because this is my first time writing something that's not for school. If there's lots of good feedback I will write more. But I'm not gonna tell you the ideas I have yet ;))). Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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