Mis. Mcfee

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up the next day with hazel sleeping. She is the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I could stare at her until the end of time. She wakes up.

“How long have you been staring at me for ?” she asked with eyes that are still filled with dreams.

“Long enough to appreciate how beautiful you are,” I replied with a smile. She just smiled and laughed. We went downstairs and made breakfast. After we ate I got a phone call from the hospital.

“Hello is this Dylan Robertsoon?” the receptionist says over the phone.

“Yes, hello”I reply.

“ Your father has woken up but he won't be out of the hospital for a couple days. You can come to visit him and until he's out of the hospital we will send over a nanny to take care of you.”   

I was speechless. I told the receptionist that I would be on my way and I hung up the phone. Hazel looked at me with worry in her eyes. We made our way to the hospital. My dad's eyes were droopy and purple. It looked like he hasn't slept in years.

“Hi, dad. How are you?” I asked the sick looking old man.

“I'm not doing so well,” he replied turns out dad has this weird disorder that makes you fall asleep unexpectedly. He will have to take some time off work until they figure out a way to cure him. The nanny came home with me and hazel. Her name was Mis. Mcfee. She was very old school and for a short time of getting to know me and hazel, she gave us curfews. She took us places and made sure we had a summer worth remembering. One weekend hazel, Mis. Mcfee and I were on our way to this little town in BC called Surrey. We were going to spend the weekend there. We checked into a motel and Mis. Mcfee gave Hazel and me our own room to share. That night we laid on the bed looking up at the roof and talked about our pasts. Regrets and mistakes we made. She told me about what happened to her mom how she suffered from severe depression. Her mom had been in and out of hospitals and she never talked to her mom because of it. It affected how she acted since most of the time she was with her dad. Hazel's dad was very old school. He always made sure that Hazel was doing well in school and not getting into trouble but that's not always the right way to teach your child about right and wrong, he didn't give Hazel a reason why it was right or wrong. All this made me think a lot about what my dad might do until I move out. I guess I'll have to be patient. Until then I should keep on living.

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