Being Yourself

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Step 7: Be Yourself

I know that it can be hard, but in the end, being yourself is the best decision one can ever make.

There are always gonna be people, who will have a problem with the way you dress or simply the way you are. No matter whether you are yourself or you are pretending to be someone you are not. You will never be able to please everyone and that is not your job anyway!

When you are yourself, you learn pretty fast who you real friends are. And if that's not an advantage, than I really don't know what is. It's honestly the best feeling in the world when people know you for who you are.

I know, it takes a lot of confidence to be yourself 100%, but the only thing it will cost you, is fake friends. Actually loving yourself might just be one of the greatest feelings anyone can ever experience. It's finally seeing your worth and fighting like hell for whatever makes you happy. It's being confident in who you are and what you look like, it's feeling pretty no matter what you look like.

I wish you all the best and hope that one day, you will look back and see, that deciding to be yourself, was the best decision you could have ever made. And remember one thing: it's always a decision. You can try and tell yourself otherwise, but being and loving yourself is always a decision.

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