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Step 6: Stay away from negativity

This can be really hard, because most times the negativity comes from ourselves.

But if there ever are any circumstances in your life, you don't feel comfortable in, and you are able to change them, do it. I know it sounds easier than it actually is, but it's worth it. And you are allowed to be selfish at times.

I think there will most likely always be a situation in your life, you are not quite comfortable in and in the end hard times teach us the best lessons, but sometimes just talking feels freeing.

I mean, you can never completely stay away from negativity, but try to not be affected by it so much. It's easier said than done, I am fully aware of that.

I am not saying that you are not allowed to be sad or anything like that for that matter, but rather that it's okay to step away from people who tear you down.

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