Chapter One

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"Oh my god, would you just shut up already?! I'm trying to watch a movie!" I yell through my door to my siblings who are on the other side making a racket.

"I am superman! I don't have to listen to you! I am more important!" My little sister, Daisy, yells from the other side of the door. She's only six and she already thinks she is a superhero. Well.. I guess I can't blame her. My family isn't exactly the most 'normal' family you would meet. Its not my fault we're all nerds!

"What movie are you watching, Sam?" My older brother, Daniel, yells through he door. I sigh loudly. I really  don't feel like putting up with this right now. Why me?! Why couldn't someone else have been the one who gets annoyed all the time? It seems that because I'm the middle child, I seem to be the one who instantly is not allowed to have alone time. Can't a girl catch a break once in a while?

"What does it even matter? It's not like you would enjoy it or anything." I yell through the door back to him. I can hear a chuckle from the other side, but then suddenly there's silence. Oh no, this can't be good. The last time there was complete silence, two maniacs - my siblings - came barging into my room with water guns and I got completely saturated. That really sucked.

"Can we come in, Sammy? Please? We'll be quiet, promise!" Daisy yells through the door, and her voice sounds so cute, I nearly give in.

"You said that last time!" I yell back. A smile makes its way onto my face. She giggles for a few moments, and her giggles always make everything seem better. Hopefully she stays like that. Well, I guess that she can't always stay like that, but I'll take the moments as they come.

"Please?" Two voices whine through my wooden door, and I can't help but crack up laughing at how badly they are failing at making me cave.

"You're gonna have to try.. better.. than that!" I yell between laughs, clutching my stomach.

All I can hear now is two voices whispering. I can't hear what is being said, but I'm guessing it's not going to end well for me. Silence fills the air for a few moments before all of a sudden my door bursts open and two lunatics - once again, my siblings - come barging into my once peaceful room, and tackle me to the ground.

"WHY?!" I yell out in both pain and exhaustion. Why oh why couldn't I just have a normal family? This is just not fair. I wouldn't trade these two miracles for the world though.

"Hey, Sammy!" Daisy screams into my ear, causing me to turn slightly deaf, and I can hear Daniel beside me chuckling.

"Woah, Daisy. Yell loud enough?" I laugh, and she just smiles at me before bursting into laughter. I take a deep breath before attempting to heave my siblings off me. You'd think that since Daniel is eighteen years old, he would be too old to be doing stuff like that. Seeing him at school you'd think he's the most mature jock there is but really he's just a child. I guess he saves all of his immaturity for his siblings when he gets home. We both have to be good role models for Daisy while we can since she there is such a big age difference between us and her.

"Please.. Get.. Off." I croak, panting from shortage of breath. They both chuckle, then finally decide to get off me. Daisy throws her arms around my neck and pulls me into a tight hug. She pulls away and stares into my eyes, her deep brown eyes glistening with excitement. "Its our first day of school tomorrow, Sammy!" she yells in my ear. Oh Daisy, why did you have to remind me of that?

"Yes, it is. Thank you for pointing that out. Is that all you came in here for?" I ask, and she just smiles happily at me.

"Nooo," her voice trails off a bit, "We also came in here to tell you that dinner is ready!" she yells happily. Oh dear lord, what am I going to do with them? I stare blankly at my brother, and he just shrugs his shoulders before quickly pulling himself to his feet again. "You coming?" he asks, reaching an arm out to help me up. I take it and hop out of my comfy, fluffy bean bag. I love that bean bag. It's like heaven when you sit in it. I even fell asleep in it one time when I wasn't even tired, that's just how comfy it is.

 I watch as he struggles to walk out of my room to the hallway, Daisy clinging tightly onto his leg, making it hard for him to walk. I giggle and he shoots me a death stare, mouthing 'you're next'. I just laugh and follow them down the stairs to the kitchen. I am greeted with the smell of lasagne and my mouth instantly starts drooling.

After dinner was over and done with, I walked back into my room again and plonk down into my bean bag. I stare at the blank screen of my television, not having the energy to turn it on. I may as well just go to bed. As I walk over to my bed, I think about how I have to go to school tomorrow and how I'm the nerd, not a 'cool' person like my brother. If only they knew his personality at home. I laugh at the thought. His 'friends' would probably run away.

I sit my glasses on my bedside table and stare at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come to me. The room is filled with darkness and I finally fall into a deep sleep.


"Come on, Sammy! Hurry up!" Daisy yells to me as she grabs her bag and drags me down the stairs. "Yeah I'm coming, Daisy." I laugh at how cute my little sister is.

Daniel and I grab our bags, and he goes with Daisy to his car, while I begin the walk to school. I like walking, okay? I say my goodbye's to Daisy and Daniel, even though I would most likely see at least one of them soon anyway.

The walk to school was peaceful, and I was even in a happy mood when I was only a minute from school, but when I reached the school gates my mood completely changed. The sad reality of what it's like at this dreadful place hits me, and completely ruins my optimism that I had only moments ago. Can I run back home now?

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