Chapter Three

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"You should have seen the look on your face when you fell out of the locker!" Brooklynn laughs, clutching her stomach. I stop walking for a moment, then give her a death stare.

"I'm guessing it was funny?" I ask, rolling my eyes. Leave it to Brooklynn to find even the smallest things funny. She bursts into another fit of laughter and I hit her arm, hard. "Stop laughing, its not that funny!" I yell before continuing to walk. The rest of the school day went by quick and now Brooklynn and I are walking home.

"I'm sorry, but it was really funny! I wonder how poor Dylan feels. You know, getting knocked over by you." she winks, and nudges my arm playfully. I sigh, then roll my eyes at her.

"I am so getting you back one day." I growl, causing her to jump back a bit. A smirk rises on my face, and I poke her teasingly.

"Hey, you were the one who took the twisties, you know? If you'd just been not lazy and gone and got your own, this wouldn't have happened." she points out. I guess she's right, but I still have to get her back, especially since she is teasing me about it.

"Oh shush you." I roll my eyes, then lightly shove her shoulder, causing her to slightly lose balance.

"You love me." she sings, and places her hands over her heart. I roll my eyes again, and she laughs. "Your eyes are going to fall out if you keep doing that!" she jokes.


"I'm going to beat you!" Brooklynn yells as she races up the stairs, towards my bedroom. "Oh no your not!" I yell back, picking up my pace so we are even.

We are only a few meters away from the door when a figure steps out of my room. Daniel looks towards us and the smile is wiped off his face as he sees us charging towards him. "Get out of the way!" Brooklynn and I whine as he stands in front of the door, blocking the entrance from both of us. He doesn't move, and I huff in annoyance.

"Please, my amazing, loyal, loving, awesome brother?" I plead, hoping that will win him over. A smirk rises on his face, and he looks between me and Brooky, then smiles even wider. Brooklynn lightly places her hand on his arm, and pouts.

"Please, Danny? I'll love you forever." she says, then kisses his cheek, causing him to blush slightly. He puts on a thinking face for a moment, then let's her through, but still blocks me out of the room.

"Hey! What about me? It is my room after all." I growl, causing him to double over with laughter. I take this opportunity to barge past him and huff in defeat as I flop down onto my bed. "Lucky." I growl to Brooky.

"Oh you cutie." she chirps happily, pinching my cheeks. "Ouch, that hurts!" I snarl, and she flinches slightly, raising her hands in mock-surrender.

"Woah, calm down tiger. What's got you in a funky mood?" she asks, slight concern filling her face. I just roll my eyes, then flip onto my stomach. She sighs dramatically, and the mattress moves as she hops off the bed.

"Where are you going?" I ask, raising a brow in her direction. She just stares out the window, not paying any attention to what I'm saying. "Hello? Earth to Brooklynn." I say, chuckling, while quickly hopping off the bed and running over to where she is standing by the window. I look out the window, and freeze when I see a very hot guy and a few other people moving boxes, and bringing them into the house next door. My mouth drops open as his shirt shows the outline of his amazing six pack.

"Wow." We both gape in unison. "Those abs... Dayum."

I burst out laughing at the tone of our voices, and elbow Brooklynn slightly in her side. "Ouch! I'd hate to be your boyfriend, I'd end up with bruises everywhere!" she exclaims, and I just laugh even harder.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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