Chapter Two

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I walk into home room and take a seat next to my best friend, and one of the school players, Jake. He smirks at me, and that only means one thing. There is going to be a lot of annoyed people soon. Let the playful teasing begin.

"Nerd alert!" he yells loudly, causing the class to turn their heads to us, like usual.

"Caveman alert!" I yell back, even louder. Some people in the class laugh, and others just turn their heads back to where they were looking before the yelling started.

"Just cause you cant handle my sexiness." He says, rubbing his hands up and down his torso, while making one of the weirdest faces that ever existed.

"Well its kinda hard to hold something that's not there." I say, snapping my finger, then mouthing, 'oh snap'.

"Just admit it, you want a piece of this." he says, pointing to his torso again. I roll my eyes. I can hear some of my classmates whispering and giggling around me, probably discussing how much they  would like a piece of him.

"Sorry, I'm not a cannibal." I sigh, twirling a string of hair around my finger. His face goes all serious, and I smirk.

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny," he rolls his eyes. "Not."

"You know i am." I just smile at him, knowing he won't be able to beat me.

"Would you two keep quiet for just one minute? We haven't even started first lesson yet and you two are already making me regret coming to school this morning." Our home group teacher, Mr Taery says, annoyed. Jake and I burst out laughing, and Mr Taery just rolls his eyes, and continues whatever he was doing before he interrupted our discussion. After a few moments of silence, the bell for first lesson rings, and Jake and I race each other to the door.


"Yo, nerd!" I hear a familiar voice call from behind me, and turn to see Jake who is smiling at me.

"Yo, caveman!" I yell to him, even louder. A few heads are turned, but most of the people in the cafeteria just keep to their conversations, and some snicker. His smile gets even wider - if that's possible - as he walks quickly over to me and flicks my nose. "Ouch! That hurt!" i yell, smacking his arm. He just smiles, then walks over to the popular table, not looking back, but when he gets there he pokes his tongue out at me. I poke my tongue out at him, then quickly run over to the lonely table in the corner where I usually sit.

"Hey Sam." my friend, Brooklynn, says cheerfully as she skips over and sits down on a seat across the table from me. "Hey, Brooky." I smile, flicking some hair out of my face.

"Have you seen the hot new guy that started today? Drool-worthy!" She exclaims, clinging onto my arm with excitement. I smirk at her, remembering how excited she got last time there was a hot new guy.

"Have you guys hooked up yet?" I winked, her cheeks instantly turning bright red. "Calm down, you tomato." I laugh and she gives me a stern look, her bright green eyes glaring at me. I put my arms up in mock-surrender. "Woah, calm down, I'm just playing." I send her another playful wink, and she quickly calms down.

"Just because I instantly fall in love with hot guys, doesn't mean I have a chance with them or anything." she laughs, and I smack her arm. She almost jumps out of her chair. "Ouch, what was that for?" she complains, rubbing her arm.

"You do so have a chance, you goof." I smile, reassuring her. She smiles, then begins shoving some chips into her mouth. "Well someone's hungry!" I exclaim, as I watch her shove more and more chips into her mouth, only just being able to chew it.

"I'm sorry, okay? I love food!" she yells, mouth full of twisties. Twisties are so good. If only I could take some...

"Hey, look! A hot guy is taking his shirt off!" I yell loudly.

"Where?" she yells out loud and her eyes instantly follow my hand to where I am pointing. I take this opportunity to grab a handful of twisties from the packet in her hand, and quickly shove them into my mouth. She is so caught up in trying to find the 'guy taking his shirt off' that she doesn't notice me taking another handful and shoving it into my mouth, enjoying the amazing taste of them.

"Sam, what did you do?" she asks, after minutes of trying to find the guy. By now I had shoved three handfulls of twisties into my mouth, and I still hadn't fully finished chewing the last handful, so my mouth is still full. "Nothing." I only just manage to mumble, and turn my head away a bit so she cant see my face. She gives me a suspicious glance.

"Are you sure?" she asks, eyebrow raised. I gulp, quickly swallowing the rest of the twisties. She must have noticed, because the next thing I know, she's looking into the bag of twisties, and then giving me a death stare. Oh no.

"Sam!" she yells, smacking her hands on the table. Yeah, this is my queue to run off like a maniac so she doesn't catch me. I get up off the seat and take off through the cafeteria, bursting through the door into the hallway. I run down the hallway, and she follows close behind me. I notice a locker that is slightly open, so I quickly round the corner and dive in. I close the door behind me and turn around so I am facing the hallway. I see a very angry Brooklynn looking around, confused. Okay, so she must have not seen me jump into the locker.

"Sam! Where are you? I know you're here somewhere! Show yourself!" she yells dramatically, and I suddenly feel like I am in some horror movie. Please, oh please, someone save me. She looks around a few times, and jumps when the bell goes off. Why isn't she going to her locker? Oh, no. She isn't. She smirks widely, and knows that I know what she is doing. I have two options; either come out now, or wait, and someone opens their locker to find me in here.

Before I get the chance to decide, the halls are filled with people. Oh, no. I cant get out now. Lets just hope this locker belongs to someone of not much importance popularity-wise. I hope for it to belong to another nerd, but due to my habit of not having good luck at times like this, as I look through the slits near the top of the locker door, I am met with the eyes of one of the most popular guys in the school, maybe the most popular. Oh crap.

"I'll see you later, man." he says to one of his friends, before turning back to face the locker again. He opens the door slowly, while talking to someone at the locker beside him, reaching in to grab some books. Oh no, he is going to get a very big surprise in a minute! He grabs onto my nose, and we both scream in surprise.

"What the fuck?!" he yells in shock, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head, and anger washes over his face, I think I may have nearly given him a heart attack. "What are you doing in there, nerd?"

I freeze, I don't know what to say. "I um, was hiding." I whisper softly. He scoffs, then his deep blue eyes stare into mine. "Why?" he asks, tilting his head to the side, confused.

"I ate some Brookklynn's twisties while she wasn't looking, then she ran after me like a madman, and I dived into the first locker I could." I explain, still shaken up from him grabbing my nose. That was pretty funny though. I chuckle to myself, and when I look up, I see him looking at me, confused. "Just go before I catch your nerdiness." he says, rolling his eyes. I salute, then as I try to step out my shoe catches onto the bottom of the locker, and I fly forward, knocking him over and landing on him with an oomph.

"I cannot catch a break today." We say in unison.

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