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JD was just another casualty. Veronica was silent and reclusive for a few days, but after that passed, she was back to normal.

Everyone seemed to get along quite well now. Everyone was comfortable with everyone after a short time together.

Everyone especially loved the kids. Maybe it was because they were little, but it seemed like Cameron and Phillip always had someone's attention. The new guys especially liked the kids. Well, except for Arron, but he didn't seem like the type to love kids.

(A/n: Pfffft okay)

Phillip walked outside one day, making his way over to Cameron, who was loading her pistol. He went up to her and looked at the gun in astonishment. "Your pop let out have a gun?"

"My pop?" She asked, looking at him. "Oh, you mean my dad?"

Phillip nodded, shrugging. "Yeah, sure."

"I don't have a dad."

"No?" He frowned, glancing back at the house. "But I thought... What about that kid with the glasses? The one who's always hangin' around Jeremy?"

Cameron giggled. "Oh, you mean Michael. I mean... I guess he's my dad. I'm an orphan, and he just kind of took me in."

"Oh." Phillip nodded in understanding. He watched her as she finished loading the gun and cocked it, aiming for a target painted onto the wooden board she had Laffayette put up. She paused, took in a breath, and shot. The bullet missed the center by a small bit.

Phillip looked at her with stars in his eyes. "Mom won't let me handle a gun. She says I'm too young."

Cameron raised an eyebrow. "But you're older than me."

Phillip shrugged. "I dunno."

Cameron paused, thinking, then smiled at him. "How about I teach you how to shoot?"

He smiled. "For real?"

"Sure! You gotta know how to defend yourself, right?" She beamed, holding out the gun.

When he hesitated, she took his hand and put the gun in it. His cheeks turned bright red.

"Here," She said, stepping closer to show him how to load the gun and cock it. She told him to aim at the board and shoot. He missed.

He frowned, shoulders slumping.

"That's okay! It takes a while to learn."

She went behind him and put her arms around him, gently taking his hands and holding the gun up. Phillip tensed, blushing hard.

"Relax your shoulders," She said quietly. He slowly did so. "Okay, now close one eye. Line up the sights. Take in a deep breath. And... Shoot."

He followed her instructions, ignoring as his heart threatened to beat out of his chest, and he shot. He blinked. He'd hit near the middle circle. He smiled widely and looked at Cameron.

Cameron smiled and pulled back, bouncing on her toes. "You did it!"

"I did it!" Phillip put his hands and the gun in the air.

"Phillip!" Eliza yelled from the doorway, making both of the kids flinch. She stomped over, ripping the gun out of his hand. "What are you doing?!"

"I was just learning how to shoot!" Phillip replied.

"What did I tell you? You don't need to! You're perfectly safe! Where did you even get this?"

"Cameron let me use it."

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