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Jeremy ran a hand through his hair to try and make it less messy. He walked into the bathroom, bending down to look for a pair of feet under the stalls. He saw Michael's sneakers and knocked on the stall door. "Hey, bud? You okay?"

Michael didn't answer right away. "Yeah."

"You sure? You ran off in a hurry."

"Yeah, um... I'm fine."

Jeremy paused, turning and leaning back against the door. He slid to sit in the floor. Michael did the same on the other side of the door.

"Did I go too far?"

"No, no... It was... Part of the game..."

"Yeah but... I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's fine."

"Okay..." Jeremy looked at the floor. An awkward silence hung between them. After what felt like hours, Jeremy spoke up. "Cameron tells me that you like someone."

Michael didn't respond. He hissed to himself, "That little snitch..."

Jeremy chuckled. "So it's true? You like someone?"

Michael gave a quiet, "Yeah..."

"Who is it?"

"No one."

"Bullshit... Is it Jared?"

"What? No."


Michael snorted, "No. Evan would kill me."

"True... Is it one of the new guys?"


Jeremy went through everyone there, even the girls. However, he excluded himself and the kids (because duh). He never thought it would be him, so he didn't bother. Once the list was up, and Michael had said no to everyone, Jeremy wasn't sure what to say. "Are they alive still?"


"Okay... Well, I give up. Give me a clue."

"Come on, Jer. You aren't an idiot. I've said no to everyone but one person, and you still haven't asked if it's him."

Jeremy paused. "...Jake?"

"No!" Michael laughed. "Do you like someone, Jeremy?"

"Um... Yeah..."

"If you tell me who you like, I'll tell you who I like."

Once again, Jeremy paused. He wasn't sure if he was entirely comfortable with that plan. However, it was the end of the world, so he figured why the fuck not?

"Okay. Deal."


Jeremy took in a deep breath, and then said it. "You."

No response. Michael didn't say anything. Jeremy started to panic. 'Fuck. Oh, fuck. It's the end of the world and I just fucked up my relationship with my best friend, god dammit--'
Jeremy stood up and tried to walk out. Tried to. The stall door opened, and Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand. He turned and looked at him.

Michael was blushing, stars in his eyes. "You like me?"

Jeremy swallowed and nodded.

Michael stepped closer. "I... I like you too."


"Yeah, man."

They smiled at each other for a few seconds, smiling and hding hands. Then Jeremy started laughing.


"Is that why you ran out so quickly?"

Michael blushed even deeper, looking away. "Fuck..."

"No, it's okay." Jeremy smiled at him.

Michael looked up andsmiled back. "Can, uh... Can I kiss you?"

Jeremy nodded. Michael leaned in hesitantly, kissing him gently. Jeremy kissed back, just as uncertain. They pulled away after a few seconds, staring at each other.

In the second they were looking at each other, they seemed to come to a silent understanding, and suddenly they were both lunging back in for another, more passionate kiss. Jeremy wrapped his arms around Michael's neck, and Michael put his hands on Jeremy's hips. Michael accidentally pushed Jeremy against the wall, but they just kind of went with it.

The kiss was messy. They didn't seem to know what they were doing, and their teeth collided a few times, but it was perfect to the both of them nonetheless.

In the haze of what was going on, they barely noticed the door opening.

"Hey, Jeremy, we-- woah." Rich said, pausing in the doorway. The two pulled out of the kiss to look at Rich, both of their faces bright red. Rich smirked. "'Bout time."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and let go of Michael, the latter taking a step back. "What do you want, Rich?"

"Oh, yeah," Rich looked behind him. "Uh... There's something we need you to see."

Jeremy nodded and followed him, Michael coming behind the two.

They walked into the main foyer, where Alex was being held back from attacking Burr. Connor was holding Cameron, him and Evan standing away from the fight. Phillip was holding Evan's hand.

"You're being rash, Alexander." Burr said calmly.

"Oh, that's funny," Alex spat back. "You're giving me one, so I suppose we're equal!"

Mulligan started laughing.

Burr rolled his eyes. "Alex, please."

Jeremy leaned to Rich, muttering quietly, "What are they arguing about?"

"Burr said something about Alex being incompetent, whatever the fuck that means."

Jeremy sighed and walked over. "Alright, calm down. Alex," Jeremy looked at Alexander with a serious and daring expression. "Calm the fuck down. I figured someone as astute as you would be able to let an insult slide."

Alex huffed, and Laurens let go of him.

Jeremy looked at Burr. "I would keep my instults to myself. If you haven't noticed, our world is going to Hell. We don't want to start rivalries within the group."

Burr crossed his arms, looking away. Jeremy looked between them. "Are we okay now?"

They both nodded, and Jeremy nodded back. "Thank you." He sighed and walked over to Connor and Evan. "Hey, are the kids okay?"

Evan nodded. "Yeah. We didn't want them to get hurt, so..."

"Yeah, I get it. Thanks."

They both nodded, and Connor set Cameron down.

Jeremy went over to Michael and Rich. Michael smiled, "You handled that well."

Jeremy shrugged. "I'm the leader, I have to be good at this stuff."

"It's very admireable."

"Thanks." Jeremy winked at him and walked away.

Michael blushed, looking at Cameron as she ran over and tugged on his hand. She beamed at him. "You told him?"

"Yeah, you can tell?"

"Please, I'm not an idiot."

"Yeah, alright." Michael chuckled. "Go play with Phillip."

Cameron nodded and went over to him, whispering something in the boy's ear. Phillip gasped and looked at her excitedly. She nodded. They giggled to themselves, earning confused glances from the other.

Apocalypse Of The Damned (BMC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now