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Before I begin I just want to say I adore all of these YouTubers and I'm sure their parents would never do anything like this in real life. However this is an alternate universe fic and therefore I can use my creative genius (jks) to do whatever I wish. Also this is my first fic so don’t hate but I promise it will get better.

The YTA council sat in the conference room ready to make their final decision on the latest household they were putting together.

'Miss James can you please send the files through for house #4076’

‘Of course sir’

‘So this is the final list for this house, the list is already completed we just have to approve it. So take a look at the summaries Miss James so kindly wrote up of the kids.'

Troye Sivan - From Perth, Australia. His parent’s don’t know what to do with him anymore, as he has become a total rebel. He gets tattoos and piercings, drinks, does drugs and parties every weekend. He dropped out of school and wishes to peruse a career in acting and singing. When he is at home he spend his time on the popular website known for corrupting kids, tumblr. 

Tyler Oakley - From Michigan, USA. He has come out as gay, dyed his hair purple and refuses to go to church. His parents apply as they are desperate to either get him to stop or to send him away so he will stop disgracing their family.

Alfie Deyes - From Brighton, Britain. He is a sweet and comforting but seems to have no set future in front of him. His parents don’t understand his need to help people and he would rather be online than working in a real job or focusing on his future. 

Connor Franta - From Minnesota, USA. He doesn’t have many friend back home and he has 3 older siblings so his parents think it may be better for him if he finds a home elsewhere so they can send their children with the most potential to college.

Caspar Lee - From Cape Town, South Africa. He is a very hyperactive person and more focused on pranks and making people laugh than following in his father’s footsteps of becoming a doctor.

Marcus Butler - From Brighton, Britain. A football jock and popular kid from school, he was a perfect child until a year ago when he was disgraced after being caught kissing another boy in the locker rooms. Since then he has fallen into depression and just after losing his scholarship to Cambridge his parents applied to send him away.

Louise Pentland - From Northampton, Britain. She is happy girl who likes writing about beauty and fashion. But she is naturally a larger girl than most and while this is not an issue for her, she wont be able to peruse the idea of becoming a model and instead wants to help the homeless people as a social worker and this has upset her parents so much that they want to send her away until she recovers. 

Zoe & Joe Sugg - From Wiltshire, Britain. Brother and sister from the UK, Zoe has gotten involved with makeup and clothing and therefore her marks at school are failing. She suffers from panic attacks in public and this has lead to a number of incidents at school. While Joe has fallen into the habit of doing reckless things he is very protective of his sister and this has lead them into trouble so their parents have decided sending them away is the only option.

'So I'm sure you'll all agree these parents are struggling, what does everyone think?'

A murmur of agreement came from around the table. The chief stamped approval across the front of the file.

'Miss James you'll send out the congratulations letters to the parents along with the information packs. Council meeting dismissed'

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