6: Food Shopping And The Race Against The Storm

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Caspar’s POV

The next morning we all woke up at various times still feeling like we were hung-over. I mean we weren’t, but the jetlag sure felt like it, and fuck time zones. Marcus was sill sleeping, snoring softly but after last night opening up to us, which was obviously a strain on him, I wanted to let him sleep a bit longer. I felt bad for him, he had lost so much in being sent here, more than I had for sure, yet he was still trying to make sure he would not be a burden on any of us. Which I had explained to him was silly as we were all in this together but if I had any doubts about it they had disappeared because everyone here was so awesome.

I climbed out of bed and padded across the room pulling on a t-shirt to go with my sweat pants before slipping out the door. I made my way downstairs to find Zoe and Tyler sitting around the kitchen bench talking with papers spread out all around them. ‘Morning guys, what you doing?’ I asked as I began to search through the cupboards for a glass. 

‘We’re just looking at all of this so we know what going on. It’s a lot of information to read so we probably don’t all have to so instead Tyler and I thought we would do it for you all, is that ok?’ she looked a little worried that I might not agree but honestly I was glad Tyler and her were taking charge, they didn’t seem to mind doing it and I certainly didn’t either so it made sense.

‘Oh ok that’s fine’, I said as I filled up my glass with water from the tap, as we had nothing else to drink in the house at the time. ‘So are we going to get food today maybe? Cause I don’t know how long I can survive on just water’, I said looking over at them. Zoe looked up at me and smiled at my dramatic statement, ‘yes we will be leaving in about an hour so I might have to wake people up and although they’re going to be tired we have to try to get rid of the jetlag as soon as possible’, she said as she checked the time on her phone.

‘Yeah sounds good’, I paused for a moment, contemplating whether I should offer to go upstairs and wake everyone up knowing that I would be their least favourite person. But I wanted to do something to help considering Tyler and Zoe were already doing so much, ‘would you like me to go and wake the others up for you?’ I offered. Zoe looked up at me gratefully, ‘oh Caspar that would be wonderful thank you, Troye is actually already up, he’s sitting in the lounge’. 

I just nodded and made my way into the next room to find Troye laying on the lounge on his phone. ‘Hey dude’, Troye said looking up from his phone, ‘how was your sleep?’ ‘It was good, those beds are really comfy’, I replied sitting opposite him. ‘Yeah I know! I felt so well rested and I’m surprised I’m actually up before midday’, he laughed as he sat up so he was facing me more.

‘Yeah well you’re about the only one, but we’re going shopping today and leaving in an hour so I’ve got to get the others up, any chance you feel like helping?’ I said not having too much hope in his answer. ‘Sorry dude, I wouldn’t want to wake up people who have jetlag, you’re on your own for that one,’ he shrugged sympathetically. ‘Yeah I know, no worries’, I sighed, we continued to chat for a while before I knew I had to go get the others up if we wanted to leave on time.

Surprisingly it wasn’t as bad as I though it would be. Two of them were actually already awake and the others we quick to stop their grumbling when I mentioned food. Still being the mess of people that we were it took an hour and a half before we were finally ready to head out the door. 

We eventually were able to lock up the house and made our way down the driveway towards the car. The car could probably be more accurately described as a van than a car. It was designed in such a way that meant all 9 of us could just fit inside it while still having a bit of room for other bags and stuff. This was convenient but I wondered how we would fit the shopping in here plus all of us, I shook this thought off quickly as I'm sure Zoe had come up with a solution for it and would tell us when we got around to having to deal with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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