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"I'm amazed at your progress," my teacher says. "I bet you've already forgotten that you're from the future." 

"Yeah... I guess I have. But when can I go home?" I ask. 

"Would you like to?" 

"I don't know. Maybe..." 

"We'll have to see. Your time here is far from over. There's so much more you must witness before ever considering going back," she says. 

"Oh and why did you send me that letter?" I ask angrily. "I'm not too happy about that." 

"I know, I know. It just happens to be a part of the sentence you're currently serving." 

"Sentence? I'm being punished?" 

"Well... Yes. You were spoiled, rude, and conceited before. I knew you were different though. Now you're selfless, polite, and a bit more outgoing in the right kind of ways. Way to get kicked out of the fair last night, by the way," she says. I laugh. That was pretty funny... 

"But that doesn't tell me everything I need to know." 

"What do you want to know?" she asks. 

"Is my dad okay?" 

"In the future, no. In the past, yes." 

"Will I get another letter?" 

"Actually, yes. You're due for one soon. Don't worry about that though," she explains. She then sighs heavily. "Look Ms. Vaughn , I know this is very difficult for you to understand right now. In all due time, you'll understand everything perfectly. Until then, please try to have a good day, and don't think about me or your dream. Okay?" 

"Fine. When will I hear from you again?" I ask. Her image begins to fade. Here we go again.  "Soon. Now wake up..." 


"Hey, Ponyboy?" I call in the empty house. 


"Do you have a piece of paper and a pencil?" 

"Sure," he calls back. He comes into the living room with a notebook and a small pencil. "What do you need these for?" he asks. 

"I don't know. I'm gonna figure it out though." He smiles and sits across from me, bouncing his rubber ball yet again. I study his features as he watches the television at the same time.  I never realized how easy Ponyboy is to sketch until now. I really just wanted a pencil and some paper because I wanted to draw something that makes me happy. So I decide to draw him and his smile. I know it sounds cheesy, but I really think it'd be a cool thing to show off when I'm finished. 

I glance at the TV and see the old classic Three Stooges. I used to watch this show with my dad when I was a little girl. I always found it amusing no matter what age I was. Ponyboy and I both laugh at the mischief and the stupid act of them in general.  I take this opportunity  and remember the image of him with laughter captured on his face. I quickly sketch an outline before working on details. It's not true work. It's just something simple. 

"Whatcha got there?" he asks. 

"You'll see," I tell him. "Hang on a minute." 


"Hey, what was Darry talking about last night?" I ask. 

"Oh it's nothing." 

"Ponyboy, don't you lie to me. I heard every word."

He sighs, "Tim Shepard called wanting to know when we're gonna have another rumble with them socs. Darry knows the socs know you by now. He's worried they'll kidnap you or something. Or worse, kill you. I don't know how he figures that but Darry thinks of everything." 

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