Going to the party

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In a sewered where there was 4 turtles who were bothers and the youngest on Michaelangelo or Mikey had an invite to Pinkie Pie birthday.  There was the 3rd youngest and his name was Donatello or Donnie. The 2nd youngest was named Raphael or Raph. The oldest was name Leonardo or Leo.

M: "Hey guys I got news!!!!"

L: "What is it Mikey???"

M: "I got an a-"

R: "A what Mikey???"

M: (Oh no I cant tell them I met a human but then again she said that girls were coming and they should know who they are I guess)

D: "Well what is it??"

M: "Well if I'm being honest I met a......human......

They looked at their younger and was shocked he told the truth and well they didn't get mad at him they also met humans to.

M: "And she said that its a costume party and she also said that girls will be there and their names were Twilight,Fluttershy,rarity and Sunset Shimmer?"

The three brothers were in shocked in how there little brother knew the names of the girls they met.

R: "Are you serious???"

M: "Ummm.....yeah....

R: "Well then were going to the party!!"

L: "No were not!! We could get caught and get experiment!!"

R: "Come one Leo have a little fun and be free!!!"

Leo was thinking about it and he really wanted to see Twilight again so he agreed.

L: "Okay then lets go!!"

D: "That's the spirit!!"

R:" Ill meet you there I have to get Slash"

L: "Okay see you there!"

To be continued 

A High school love (TMNT AND MLP EG) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora