Meeting the girls

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It was a Saturday night and the turtles went to go to the costume party and they were all excited.

L:I can't wait!!!!

M:Mee too I can't wait to see Pinkie pie!!!!

D:(That makes two of us)

When they walk inside everyone stop and looked at the turtles. They were scared and worried what would happen until they all cheered and they continue what they were doing.
Fluttershy saw Raph and was worried for him so she went up to him and grab his hand pulling up to the side

F: "What are you doing here your going to get caught!!!!"

Raph was shocked that she cared for him and blush a little

R: *Blush* "Well I wanted to see you again...."

F: *Blush madly* "R-Really????"

R:" Yeah cause I like you....."

When they both blush and looked into eachothers eyes they realize what he said

R: "I-I mean l-like a-as a friend!!!!"

F: *Blushes madly* "RAPH!!!!!"

R: "Hey I want you to meet my brothers"

F: "Oh and I want you to meet my friends"

Raph offered his hand and Fluttershy took it and they walk back to find his brothers and her friends. By the time they found them they already have met before and they decided to dance.

Dj: "Everyone ready to slow dance with there lover!!!!!"

Everyone cheeres

Dj: "Then here is a song for you lovers out there!!!!!"

Puts a song on

L: "Twilight would you like to dance with me"

T: "Sure" *Blushes*

D: "Rarity would you like to dance???"

R: "Of course darling"

M: "Dance with me pinks"

P: *Giggles* "Okay"

S: "Would you like to join the rest"

Sh: "Yes..of course"

R: *Gives her his hand* "May I???"

Fluttershy wanted to but she was afraid that he would trick her.

F: *Scared* "Uhhh......"

R: "Are you okay???"

F: "I have to go" *Runs away*

R: "Fluttershy wait!!!!!!"

To be continued

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