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Louis was a normal teenager. who often did normal teenage things. he was nobody special. his father didn't own any company's. his mother wasn't a high-paid porn star. but that was the problem.

his father didn't own a company.

nor was his mother a porn-star. (which he was 97% grateful for.)

so most of the time his father wasn't there because he was too busy trying to provide money for 3 kids and a pregnant woman with twins.

and that pregnant woman with twins had to look after two teenagers and one trouble-making boy.

you see louis had always been a trouble maker. when he first when to pre-school, he'd do silly tricks like switch out the teachers chair with a tiny students chair or even make farting noises when it was story-time and ms. beck was trying to read them a story.

but things slowly got worse from when he stuck a whoopie cushion under mrs. paynes' chair in 3rd grade or stuck a pin onto ms. rivers' chair in 4th grade.

all of Louis' life had been full of "stop thats" and "I won't tolerate that" and phone calls home and parent/ teacher meetings almost every week.

and now there was no turning back on that lifestyle. at least not for Louis.


Louis got his first can of paint when he was about to graduate from freshman year. his friend, stan, had told him how much fun it was.

so he went to school when it was dark and he spray painted a giant dick (so clever and original) on his principals office door.

the next day she was 'infuriated' and 'wouldn't give up until she found the person who was responsible for this.'

he did find it exhilarating, as Stan had said, which kept him going on for more.

the trouble-making lad had painted everywhere from the school, to restaurants, to the rich peoples neighborhood. but now was his biggest challenge of all.

the juvenile detention center.

it's the place all kids have cringed about and every young criminals nightmare.

what made louis think he could take on such a huge, dangerous, idiotic thing? the one and only Stan if course.

earlier, louis picked up two cans of spray paint, a blue and white. he made the design ( his specialty a giant dick but with much more detail and beauty this time) and drove down there.

it want a long drive, maybe a little over ten minutes. but to louis it fell like years. his hands were shaking and his heart was beating very loud.

this was his biggest project ever, and if he could complete it, he'd be known as one of the coolest, baddest boy in school.


when Louis arrived a couple miles away from the center, he stopped and put his mask on. just a regular ski mask with a black jumper and sweats. he walked over the facility and thought about how he could just graffiti a bit on the walls. he looked around to see if anyone was there.

coast is clear he said to himself.

carefully, Louis shook the can of blue paint. he started to spray one if the balls when someone came up behind him and took the cans.

when he looked up it was a security guard.

oh shit

"so you think it's funny to destroy public property eh?"

Louis just stay quiet with an annoyed look on his face

"no answer? okay that just makes my job easier."

the man pulled Louis by the wrist and walked him over to the door of the center.

"w-where are you taking me?"

"where does it look like kid? you did the crime now you gotta pay the time."

Louis' eyes widened at the sentence. he was going to jail.


hello helloooo!

this is the first chapter of delinquents. I hope you liked it.

Harry should be coming in, in about a chapter or two so no need to worry everything will pick up very soon.

once again if like to thank exodontics for the wonderful idea ! make sure to check her and all her stories out. im reading all of her larry fics and let me tell you they are phenomenal !

thank you for reading.

if you could maybe vote that'd be fantastic.

and if I'm lucky enough some of you can comment.

i hope you all read the best smut of your life today.



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