{ c h a p t e r 3 }

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harry and louis first met when they were both pushed down a hall, leading into their cell.

louis ran into harry. harry bumped into louis.

"hey watch it!"

"you watch it idiot! you're the one who bumped into me!"

harry rolled his eyes at louis' immaturity and stupidity.

they met a second time when they got to share a cell together.

it was unexpected really. louis didn't even know they had roomies in juvie, it was quite odd actually.

harry was also a bit surprised when he found out that his cellmate had been non other than louis tomlinson.

but they both knew they had to deal with each other,

"so tomlinson what are you in for?"

louis kept his mouth shut, not wanting to deal with harry right now, or ever.

"seriously ? god you're so childish. i mean we're gonna be in here for a long time so you better get used to having me around."

louis huffed at harry because he knew he was right, they'd be stuck in here for a decent amount of time together.

"I paosmauyahaj"

"you what ?"

"I said I paissmsksi the budaisiao"

"i have no idea what you're saying Tomlinson speak up will you?"

Louis sighed and looked at harry in the eyes

"I said I painted the side of the building."

harry burst out laughing and louis gave him an annoyed look.

"why are you laughing styles."

"because tomlinson, you're in jail for scribbling on the walls like an untrained toddler."

"oh sod off mate. besides, what did you do that was so terrible?"

harry looked at louis with a proud look in his eye.

"who me? oh nothing huge really. i just robbed one of the biggest most expensive jewelry stores. ya know, lovely jewelers? yeah that place."

louis tried not to gasp because he had seen lovely jewelers time and time again. every time he passed that place he looked at it with such fond and excitement. oh how he wanted to be rich enough to afford beautiful jewelry. all the golds and silvers and diamonds, he wished he owned all of it.

"well then I guess you're not very good considering you got caught."

"oh shut up you dope. you got caught to. don't act like you're special.

just as louis was about to make a sassy remark an officer walked into the cell.

"who's styles?"

harry hesitantly raised his hand and nodded his head.

"uh I am sir. may I ask why?"
"your mums here to bail you out son."

harry smiled and looked back at louis.

"well tomlinson it's been nice knowing you but I've got to go now."

louis just rolled his eyes and turned his back to the pretty boy getting brought out of the cell by the officer.


harry walked with the officer to the counter of the police station where they fill out paperwork. harrys mum was there was the officer had said. he was about to run up to her when the officer stopped him. he looked at the man with a confused expression.

"harry, your mum has told us to keep you in here for multiple reasons. if you'd like, we'll give you a couple minutes to talk to her."

harry nodded and walked up to his mother.

"m-mum why would y-"

"now harry, i don't think you understand what you did. you robbed an expensive jewellery store. that is a big deal son. so, im gonna have you stay here for a couple weeks, just to learn your lesson."

harry just stares at his mother with watery eyes and his mouth wide open.

"b-but mum I-"

"no. no buts harry. my word is final. I'll see you in a few weeks."


"come on kid lets go."

the officer dragged harry back into the cell where louis was waiting there with a smirk on his face.

"well well well styles, guess your mum didn't bail you out after all huh?"

harry just slid down the wall and screamed. he started sobbing uncontrollably. his wrist itched with the familiar pain of wanting. he looked around for something to relive this pain. there was nothing. harry started itching his wrist. he itched harder and harder, deeper and deeper. soon, his wrist turned red and puffy but it still wasn't enough. he kept scratching and scratching until finally louis grabbed his wrist and stared at him.

"harry. harry! stop stop!"

harry looked at the beautiful boy and once again broke down in tears. louis just held the boy in his arms and caressed his head.

what have i gotten myself into, louis thought.


im so so so sorry yall. i have no excuse other than im lazy. but if you guys would like me to continue pleaseeee let me know. thank you loves.


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