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Aisle was seated in her room, staring at the ledger from her father's company. She had been gone for four long weeks now and Aisle had never imagined she would stay this long without seeing him. But she couldn't say that she had nothing better to think of than her father's absence in her life. The grey clothes on her bed were probably the only thing that Aisle had been thinking about these past few weeks. She had acquired another reminder in her life. But this one was a good one. It was a reminder of a blissful life. A life she wanted for herself. Aisle turned away from the clothes and back to the ledger. She had to get done on the work she had come here to do in the first place. She was just about to settle into her paper work when she heard the sound of her infatuation calling to her.

"Hey, what does a 'massage' mean?"

She smiled to herself as she turned around to watch Clew stand in her doorway, a spa pamphlet in his hand. He might have been the most brilliant man she had ever met, but he was still clueless when it came to social life in the Middle Division.

"It's kind of like a relaxing treatment where you get oils and other ointments rubbed on your body. You should totally try it."

He was silent as his hazel eyes scanned the piece of paper in his hand and Aisle was almost lost in that action. He had that narrowed look in his eyes that Aisle had only seen when he was trying hard to understand something.

"So," he said at last, raising his eyes to meet hers, "You mean I have to get naked and have someone rub oils on me?"

"Well... not all the way naked... but yeah that's the gist of it."

"And this is relaxing to you?"

"Hey, I don't make fun of your pass time activities."

"Yeah but we keep our clothes on when we're doing them."

She laughed so hard that Clew couldn't help but join in. It had been so long since he had this much fun in his life. And the most important point was that it was because of the hazel eyed beauty in front of him. She was dressed to day in one of those very pink and very lacy items of hers. It was still mind blowing that he had not know what the item had been for until very recently. But he was right about one thing, they were of true sentimental value now.

Aisle could feel Clew's eyes on her and she honestly couldn't continue with whatever it was she was writing. There had to be a law that prohibited this kind of reaction caused by those luminous-blue hazel eyes. She supposed that maybe she was a cause for the stare since she was only dressed up until the point that she could say is decent enough for a stroll to the bathroom. Then again, what was there that he hadn't seen by now?

She was just imagining how working with him here would be hard when his hands found their way around her neck. She had felt them in every inch of her body before, but each time they landed on her skin, she felt the fire kindle in her anew. This was surely a crime now. The light touch on her shoulder was enough to send her mind completely off work and onto the one thing she had been dying since she got to her room.

"Clew... you know I need to finish this report before we go."

"Don't mind me then."

That was almost impossible to do when his mouth was now doing the skimming along with those clever hands. She was sure that one of these fine days, she would self combust from the fire he kept lighting in her being with this action.

"Finished yet?"

"Huh?" she spoke like a complete idiot. There was just no way she could string coherent thoughts with him breathing down her ear.

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