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... Just for once honey, let me do it...

... But you don't even know how...

...What's there to know? It's just talking into the mouth piece... Now how do I turn it on?...

... It's already on, Aisle...

... Really? Then get and take care of Annie. Elena and Mihaela might start playing dress up with her if we leave them alone for too long...


Ok. So... ignore that conversation.

It's... the hundred and seventy fifth day of the year 0020. If you haven't been listening to the few recordings my husband has been making, it's Annabel's birthday today! My baby's turning five today. Isn't that just exciting?

Well, to be honest every day in this house is an exciting time. My family has never been better than now. The kids... well, they aren't kids anymore... but they'll always be kids to me... so the kids are outside preparing the picnic. It's not a Sunday but we always make a picnic for anyone's birthday.

Which reminds me... you guys can keep a secret right?

Alright... I'm going to trust you guys... I'm having another baby! I was planning on telling Clew later on in the day, but I think it will be more fun when he just finds out for himself.

It's been months before we saw a machine. Clew thinks that they are dying out because his father isn't alive to maintain more. He said that they weren't designed to last more than four years. It was a big worry at first since technically I'm a machine and we didn't know if the same would be true for me.

Well, I'm still alive and kicking. But we still need to run more tests. My husband is very strict about that. My husband... I like the sound of that... I could just say it all day...

My Husband is Clew...

I am Clew's wife...

Clew and I are married...

Oops! I forgot I'm recording this... Ignore that too, guys...

Anyway, Clew's still working on finding more humans in the world. We don't really know if we will find any, but I don't want to rain on his parade. It would be amazing if they found more of their kind. This has been very difficult for the girls and Luca. They aren't saying it, but they are lonely. It doesn't matter to me that much. I just want to always be by his side. He is my life and I will always lo...



Clew... What's going on down there?...





You didn't turn off the recorder, honey...


Hehe, I hope she said the date and time on this thing... Who am I kidding?

This is Clew reporting for the one hundred and seventy fifth day of the twentieth year After Neocallers and the Two Thousand and Sixty First Old Earth year... Cell Degradation has finally ceased completely and I think my machine really works now. Now one detail is all that remains.

I need Annie's genes.


Thank you very much for reading 29 Minutes. Sadly this is the end of the book but not the end of the Author. There is more of this in my published works and you can always swing by that way and look at it.  I have enjoyed your company here and i hope to see you again

Yours Truly,


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