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Upper Division, New Earth 0015 A.N

2056 O.E

The General of New Earth was seated at his vast table overlooking the map of his vast empire. This life he had created was now thriving to become more than just a civilization. They were almost ready to become a nation. A few issues about Commoners still persisted to unbalance the Eco system as he had designed it. It was a minor headache compared to the plans he had for this world. If only she was here to see how far their dream had reached...

There was a soft beeping sound from the corner of the desk and the snap from the General's fingers resulted in the holographic map disappearing and the projection of one of his Lieutenants popped up.

General, we just received word about the matter concerning the Outer Division Commoner... It would seem he has succeed.

The General was satisfied with the information that his lieutenant had given him. He had no doubt about the capacity of the Commoner ever since he had seen the level of curiosity in him. He had the same drive to find out all he could about the science world himself.

We just have a small problem...

His eyes flicked up to the hologram and it almost cowered back from his glare. He did not like that word. In fact, he had little patience for it. Nothing in his world equated well if the presence of that word was noticeable. He had explained this to his inferiors. It seemed he had not been understood the first time. A push of a button on his chair saw the hologram screaming in pain and twitching on the floor. Whatever fate rested with that one, he couldn't care less. There were two new holograms that appeared now as dragged the first one out of view.

The General was only kept waiting ten seconds before another hologram appeared before him. The soldier on that end stood just as alert as the former as he delivered the message that had gotten his colleague electrocuted to death.

One of the Individuals has moments of blank feedback according to the system. We fear that it might have deviated from the normal protocols.

The General was shocked. He had never heard of a program willingly deviate from the system he had created. That was supposed to be impossible. He had made sure the genetics of each and every program was coded specifically to the machines. This could only mean that the Individual's pull to humanity was even stronger than its source code. Incredible.

"And its Surrogate?"

It has already returned to the facility here. We are awaiting the said Individual's maturity to verify compatibility probability to your code. It should only take a few more weeks now. Statistics already have it at a 64 percent success compatibility.

The General was not yet satisfied with this. He needed a one hundred percent guarantee that he would not loss even a single byte of his data when he transplanted the information into the Individual. That had been the whole point of these twelve years he had dedicated to this research. It was time to reap the fruits of his labor.

"Bring the Individual to the Main Facility. Prep the transportation while you are at it. I want to be there when it arrives."

The hologram gave a salute and disintegrated. The General sat back on his chair with a smile on his face. It had been twelve years since he started this New World. The creations he had made were able to allow man prosperity beyond anything imaginable. Now he was almost at the end of it. The last piece of data he needed was somewhere in the Outer Division of his world.

A snap of his fingers brought back the holographic map he had been looking at. He ran a finger across it and it zoomed closer to lands that were east of his Facility here. Another swipe of the finger zoomed it even closer for him to see the object of his fascination. The technology was truly fascinating. And the use of the Neos Tech was done almost to perfection, better certainly than he had ever done it already. Yes, this knowledge was what he needed to incorporate into his Individuals' data codes. He will create the ultimate race in all of humanity's existence. And it all rested with this boy named Clew.

29 MinutesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora