Chapter 1

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The alarm blasted throughout his room and he reaches out from under the blanket to turn it off. The redhead groaned and buried his head deeper into his pillow.

"It's too fucking early," Guan Shan mumbled loudly and haul his body over to the bathroom for a cold shower to wake him up.

Once he finishes his daily routine in the bathroom, he opens up his medicine cabinet that's hidden behind the mirror for his anti-depressant pills. It seems strange to know that he, a former delinquent, had anxiety and depression. But he manages to hide it extremely well by putting on a tough facade. He doesn't think he's weak or anything, he just hates that he has it.

Redhead didn't even realize he had depression or anxiety at first. He just thought having dark thoughts, no motivation to continue school, being angry all the time, and worrying too much were normal behaviors teens go through.

That is until a checkup at the doctor had him coming home in a daze. His doctor diagnosed him with depression and anxiety after he mentioned how he's been feeling for the past years.

It wasn't that bad in middle school since he was still young, naive, and had "friends" to help distract him. But as he reaches another milestone in his high school life, depression also went with him and it seems that the demons were growing. But he refused to succumb to the darkness and tried to break free.

He spent days researching about his "sickness" after coming home to the doctor. He didn't want to refer it as a "mental illness" because he refused to believe that something is wrong with him. Even though Guan shan got a better understanding of the two illnesses, it still bothered him immensely to know that he'll have to deal with it probably for the rest of his life.

And he hated that so much. It made him feel weak.

Guan Shan stared at the bottle in his hands and sets it back in its place. He hasn't popped one for a few weeks now because he wants to try and control it without medications.

He frowned and began to fix his now longer hair. It's still spiky but he decided to shave only his right side of the head, and gotten piercings on his ears. He even worked out more so now his body was nicely built, but not as big as He Tian.

Just thinking about that black hair male makes him sigh. You'd think that they would get closer after that weird ass relationship they developed back in middle school. Nope. He still treated He Tian like he's some weird specimen that needs to go away but the guy insisted on being friends and putting the past behind them and shit.

He told He Tian to fuck off. The guy still bothers him even when they're in university now. Why the universe decided to put the two of them together in the same university is beyond a mystery to him. Guan Shan attended Beijing University and is stationed at the Culinary Arts building while He Tian is over at the business building, which is on the other side of the campus and for that, he was immensely grateful.

After styling his hair nicely on his head, he steps over to his room and changed out of his boxers with some nice clothes. Grabbing his favorite cologne, he sprays a few times on his body and places the cap back on the bottle. Then he grabs his bags and makes his way out to the kitchen to cook some breakfast.

He doesn't hate He Tian or anything, but he can't forget how the male treated him the first time they met. What bewildered him was when the demon himself became so nice to him after that incident when he ran out of that restaurant and it creeped him out. But Guan Shan didn't care, he was only tolerating He Tian for the money. He stopped working for the black hair male when they were in high school and he got a part-time job. But He Tian would call him over a few times just to cook meals and "hang" out, but the redhead could never stay long due to his job and he had homework to do.

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