Chapter 6

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Bold letters= Characters are speaking in English

A/N: HUGE apology to everyone that waited!! It's been forever, I know. I'm sorry. University kept me so busy that I didn't have time to write. I didn't think this book would get a lot of recognition but it did and I like to thank you, guys. UwU Thank you! <3 

Honestly, I've been pretty stressed about school and I finally get some rest now that it's summer. I hope to get back on track with updating but I'm also in the process of moving so it's Since I made you guys wait so long, I've extended this chapter. Hope you all enjoy! Thank you again for waiting! 


"Because you work there." 

"Idiot, just what the hell does he mean by that?" Guan Shan mutters as he chops the green onions for garnishing. That statement has been floating in his head for almost an hour since he arrived to work, and it didn't help that the said bastard is currently eating lunch at his damn workplace.

That's fucking right, that son of a gun is sitting at the booth at this very moment, just boring holes at the back of his head while being surrounded by his fangirls. It's not much of a total shock to see that He Tian is still famous among girls even at university. Come to think of it, this is probably the first time he saw He Tian eating lunch with his group of fangirls since a high school He Tian would always politely decline them whenever they asked. 

"Politely, my ass. Fucking bastard and his two face personality. What the hell do they see in him anyway? Bet they'll go running once they realize how much of a narcissistic shithead he really is," Guan Shan grumbles under his breath as he stirs the chopped up veggies in the chicken broth soup. He lifts up the ladle and pours a small amount into the spoon for a taste test. Once he deems it acceptable, he scoops the liquid with the ladle and pours it into the bowl of cooked noodles. He then wipes the edges of the bowl gently and passes it onto his coworker, who took it out to the waiting customer. 

A slight irritation then crosses his face. The redhead finds himself growing a tad worried about the thought of He Tian constantly coming over and bugging him at work. Shit, how could he not worry when the guy is around. He Tian makes him fucking nervous and he can't shake off that annoying feeling. 

Guan Shan could practically feel the never-ending stare as he wipes the kitchen counter. The loud laughter coming from He Tian's area caused him to roll his eyes as he wipes the kitchen counter. They'll seriously laugh at anything He Tian's says. Fucking hyenas. As he goes to replace the dirty towels with a new one, he's pretty glad that none of the female classmates in his cooking class knew about this place. They'll never shut up about giving them discounts and shit if they see him.

Suddenly, a female waiter by the name Mia rushes into the kitchen and stood next to Guan Shan. "Hey, a customer requested you to make him some beef stew and to personally delivered it to him." 

"What?" Guan Shan stares at her in disbelief. "Who requested this?" 

"A man by the name of He Tian. I even told him that-"

A scoff escaped past the redhead's lip. Of course, it'd be that bastard. Who else would know that only he can make beef stew in this small little restaurant?

 "-it wasn't on the menu but he agreed to pay extra for it. Said it has to be only made by you. Do you know him or something?" Mia arched an eyebrow. 

" old acquaintance, that's all." Guan Shan mutters. 

"Huh. Interesting. I didn't think someone like you would know someone like him. Oh yeah, he told me to rely on a message to you. "Better make that beef stew hot and I quote, "just like your hot ass self", Mia cackles. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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