Chapter 5

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Mo Guan Shan's eyes snapped wide open. Something is burning.

Ignoring the pounding headache, he throws off his blanket and ran out of his room. The smoke was coming from the kitchen and when he enters, he sees a shirtless He Tian holding a burnt frying pan and a spatula in the other hand. He must have made an inhumane noise because He Tian suddenly turns around and gave him a stiff smile. "Morning."

"What the hell are you doing!? Are you trying to burn my place down?! Gimme that!" Guan Shan snatch the pan and halts at the burnt content. He then becomes aware of the cookbook on the counter, the bowl of pancakes mix sitting next to the book, the empty pancake box in the trash, and flour all over the counter. The eggs carton were opened and a few eggshells were littered on the counter. To put this shortly, his kitchen is one huge fucking mess.

"Were you trying to make pancakes?" Redhead asked, incredulously. In all his years of life, he had never met someone who's cooking was this terrible. The pancake was literally reduced to a black glob in the center. He Tian looked away and crossed his arms. "Yes. I wanted to show my appreciation for you letting me sleep here, but I fucked up."

The headache became full blast at this point and Guan Shan puts the pan down in order to go retrieve some pain meds. Why in the living fresh of hell did he ever agreed to let He Tian stay the night? He should have at least predicted something like this would happen but he didn't think that the guy would be up and alert as of right now, standing shirtless in his kitchen while attempting to make breakfast for the two of them.

He could choose to kick the guy out as of right now, but he's too busy dealing with this pounding headache and he knew that it must be late in the afternoon if He Tian is up, since years of dealing with the bastard have taught him that the guy is NOT an early morning riser. Suddenly, he felt nauseous and immediately ran on over to the sink, feeling He Tian patting his back. Afterward, he gurgles his mouth with water and wipes his mouth.

"If you need pain meds, they're right over there. I figured you'd need them once you wake up." He Tian nudges with his head toward the direction and Guan Shan immediately takes them, downing it with a glass of water that was also next to the pills. After wiping his mouth, he moans quietly and walks on over to his couch. "I'm never drinking with you guys ever again," he grumbles quietly.

His eyes were still crusted with sleep and he felt like total shit. He just couldn't understand why He Tian isn't feeling like shit right now since the bastard drank more than him. With his eyes half opened, redhead crane his neck toward the clock and groaned. It's half past 2 in the afternoon, which means that he's already late for work.

Debating whether or not to check in today since he felt like crap in total, he slowly stood up from the couch and made his way to the bathroom to wash up. As much as Guan Shan would like to sleep in today until the booze went away, money doesn't exactly fall out of the sky and he had bills to pay if he wants to keep his apartment and not rely on his mom. Plus, his boss and coworkers might be worried that he didn't come in today since he was one of their best chef there.

"Are you going to go to work today?" He Tian asked softly and Guan Shan groaned in response. "Yeah. I'm going to go wash up, don't make any more mess." The redhead didn't have the strength to get angry anymore. All he wants to do is go back to bed and sleep the fatigue away, but the bills aren't going to pay for themselves and no way would he accept He Tian's help if the guy offered.

He didn't wait for a response and walks on over to his bathroom. Sending a prayer to the universe that He Tian doesn't do anything stupid like wanting to suddenly cook scrambled eggs or even make toast, he tosses his clothes to the bin and hops into the shower. The warm water hitting his skin is an invitation he happily accepts, feeling his muscles loosening up and he sighs out loud. As he squirts a reasonable size amount of his strawberry scented shampoo onto his palms, he could still feel the embarrassment of having such a girly shampoo. His mom was the one who gave him a giant size bottle of it as a joke, but jokes on her, because he ended up liking the smell of it now, but he wasn't about to admit that to her. Lord forbids He Tian finding out. He then washes his hair and just when he could feel himself slowly regaining the energy for the day, memories of last night hit him like a train.

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