kyuu = The Temptress' Temptations

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"Wait, wait wait... So let me get this right. You guys have NEVER met anyone other than each other? Other than me, I mean."

"You must have some extra consciousness."

"What does that mean?"

"Only those with more consciousness desire and hope and learn. They are strange." The guy speaking cringed, "You know, I even heard that some overly conscious consciousnesses will put things..." He pointed to his mouth. It was obvious he thought it was super strange. Like the thought of sticking a piece of shaped rubber up inside of you if you've never heard of a dildo before.

Though I've never used one of those... yet. Pity I'll never get the chance.

"Oh ya, you should try it. It's called eating and I promise, once you try it, you will never go back. Well, as long as you don't eat something weird. Like... Here." I took out my bag and brought out a fruit I'd picked in my time in the tribe. "This one tastes like bacon."

I looked around at the weird looks on their faces.

"I know, I know. A bacon fruit? That's what I thought, too. But it's really addicting!" I took a bit of the soft fruit, spewing juices everywhere. "Mmm~" I moaned. It really was heavenly. Also, I haven't eaten anything in like three days. Not that I need it. Even so, I'm glad I grabbed one for the road. "Here, you try." I passed it to the girl next to me as I licked the juice off my lips.

She was staring at the fruit with wide eyes. She looked like she wanted to try it. I know, I know, I made it more appealing with my food-pleasure face, didn't I? I held back a smirk. After a few coaxing nods she finally took it.

The guys were staring at her with wide eyes. It was like they almost couldn't believe she was actually going to do it, yet didn't dare tell her off because they wanted to know if it was really that good.

She licked it. Oh, sexy.

She jolted. It seems it wasn't what she was expecting. She put a hand over her mouth and rolled the taste around, not making a decision about it yet. After a few seconds she stopped playing with her tongue in her mouth and began eyeing the fruit again. She was deciding.

"So?" I grabbed a handful of mushrooms out of my bag and tossed one in the air, catching it in my mouth, "What are your guy's names?"

One perk about being a golem - you can eat anything, poisonous or not.

The guys were watching us eat. It almost felt like we were tempting them with sex. Like I was a woman coming into a class of clueless preteens and waving my fat ass around in their faces.

............ Was feeding them doing something immoral? Naw.

"Names?" One guy looked between the two of us girls, gulping. As if he couldn't decide between the two. "We don't have anything like that."

"What? You don't have- Wait, than how do you know what it is?"

"Of course we know, the meanings are deciphered by consciousness."

By their spirit? Their spirit can do what? Am I hearing this right? Clean ears, retry...

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