First Meeting

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"No! I cannot permit it, Ismérie!"

Mademoiselle Lefevre began pacing back and forth, her eyes diverted away from the children of angels. She was a short and somewhat plump woman; her youth had been dedicated to her brother and it was obvious upon her weary face. Jeanne Lefevre's youth and beauty may have withered away, but she was not blind to potential suitors. Her instincts told her to crush this interest before it had perhaps even started. There was something about the two of them that seemed to mesh so perfectly unlike with Fabien. Perhaps there was nothing to fear at all, but Jeanne did not want to take any chances. She thought that the time was nearing to get Ismérie to accept her brother.

"Mademoiselle Lefevre, if I may..." began Enjolras. Fabien was seated at the table with Mirielle at his left. He watched in interest as this young man stood up to his sister while Mirielle watched in fear. She glanced over to her friend, wondering what was going through her head to bring a man to the home of their employer.

"You may not!"

"You are not thinking clearly, Mademoiselle. I understand your concerns but our group consists of those interested in philosophical and humanitarian pursuits. Mademoiselle Chénier has such a sound mind! It would be a shame to waste it!"

"A woman's place is not with students, Monsiuer. A woman's job is to bear and raise children, not to debate politics!"

"So you would let her waste her life? Her potential? She is someone who can give so much to those less fortunate th..."

"Potential, Monsiuer? She will waste her potential by going with you! I see through you! Philosophy and humanitarianism... Pish! Yes, potential to bed an innocent young woman!"

"Mademoiselle!" cried Ismérie, humiliated by the insinuation that she was not capable of differentiating between truths and lies, "He isn't the sort and I'm not so foolish as to..."

"My dead sister, I believe you are overreacting," Fabien stood slowly and walked towards them, "I know Monsiuer Enjolras and I am sure his intentions are honorable. I am aware of this group he speaks of. Les Amis d'Abaisse. The Friends of the Poor. Surely, you do not wish to keep Ismérie from charitable work."

Ismérie and Enjolras were surprised by Fabien's insistence. To lie about the group proved to Enjolras that the man was to be trusted.

"Fabien... I..."

"It is alright with me, Jeanne, and am I not the man of the house?"

"Yes, but it's improper that she..."

"Unfortunately, sister, we are not betrothed yet and it is clear that they are not courting."

Mademoiselle Lefevre gave Enjolras a steely look, "Very well, Fabien. If you approve, I suppose I cannot stand in the way. But, Monsiuer... Heed my word. If there is any funny business, you will do what is right."

Enjolras bowed to the older woman, "Mademoiselle Lefevre, I would never dare force Mademoiselle Chénier to do something she is not comfortable doing. I admire your concern for a young woman who is not your blood and you have my word as a gentleman that no harm shall ever come to her."

Ismérie disappeared to grab her cap, leaving Enjolras waiting at the door. Fabien emerged from the dining room and stood close to the young man, a muted anger in his eyes. His voice was cold as he spoke to Enjolras.

"I intend on marrying Ismérie, Monsiuer Enjolras... I suggest after tonight, you keep away from her... If you want guns in case your precious revolution comes to fruition..."

"Lefevre, I do not intend to steal your fiancee. Don't let your fears cloud your judgment. I was honest with my words."

"On the contrary, Enjolras... There's plenty I know. I know a smitten man when I see one, I do. I also know a smitten woman. Ismérie would never dare to ask to attend this meeting had there not been some other interest. That woman is as cold as January snow."

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