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After Jeanne's revelation, Fabien felt torn. Deep down, he knew it was wrong what he was doing, especially now, but his sister had made a good point. He wanted Ismérie to be happy... with him, of course. By hiding the truth from her, he was sure he could give her a life that any woman would dream of. However, he saw how fond she was of Enjolras. Whether or not they were romantically attached, he knew he had to accept the man for now. But, he also didn't want to get in the way of her general happiness; he had to decide. Does he fool the girl into marriage or allow her the choice? So a few days after Jeanne revealed the truth to him and he had time to cool down and think about it, he sent Victor to find the man and bring him to the shop.

When the boy returned with Enjolras, Fabien instructed Victor to keep the coals hot and start banging out a horseshoe. The two men retreated into a backroom, sitting across from one another. Enjolras watched as Fabien lit a pipe and began smoking. It was quiet; neither one spoke as the blacksmith studied the student closely. Finally, he exhaled, smoke coming out of his mouth, "I wanted to apologize for the other day, Enjolras. What I said was out of line and I put you in an uncomfortable position."

Enjolras waved his hand, "It's alright, Fabien. No harm done."

"Have you thought over my proposition?"

"Which proposition? Courting Ismérie? Fabien, I didn't think anything of it, you said it in anger."

The man looked a bit dejected, Enjolras almost felt bad for him. Fabien cleared his throat, puffing on his pipe once more in silence. It was obvious that he was struggling with something, "I... I've decided that if you want to court her... Truly court her and not some sort of bet, you have my permission. She deserves a better life than the one she's been forced to live and I want to give her that life. She's beautiful, smart, independent... She's only going to be miserable as the wife of a blacksmith."

Enjolras was surprised to say the least. He tried to study the other man's face to see if he was up to something, but Fabien looked surprisingly sincere, "That is admirable of you, but it's not my intention to court her. I've stressed to you countless times that our relationship is purely professional."

Fabien sighed, "I know what you say, but I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying."

"Quite frankly, I don't. If there is some hidden meaning, I'd prefer if you tell me upfront."

"I... I would like you to court, Ismérie. What I am about to tell you is to be kept secret, at least for now. My sister has been playing us; I'm sure you're aware that Ismérie is the daughter of a Baron and the granddaughter of a successful fur trader?"

"Yes and she was left with nothing which is why she came into your employment."

Fabien nodded, "That is the story, but she was tricked. My sister is in on it as well. You see... the butler was the one who sent her to the convent. He told her that she was left with nothing but debt and that it was best she just join the sisters. As you know, that did not happen; she came with Mirielle to work with us. If she doesn't come forth within a year, he inherits everything. He employed the help of my sister to make it so Ismérie marries me and does not come forward."

Enjolras glared at him, "And you went along with this?"

Fabien glared back, "No, not knowingly. But, my sister is convinced this is how it should be. I told her about our bet and she feels that if you abandon her, she will come to me. I'm asking you to take the bet, but hopefully, you won't have to marry her and neither shall I. She is betrothed to another, but my sister hasn't told me who yet and Ismérie doesn't even know that she's engaged. We must find out who they are and then perhaps they can help her."

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