The Crafty Widow

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**Jeanne Lefevre, pictured above**

As mentioned earlier, Jeanne Lefevre was not a cruel woman; she spoke a tough game, but she could never follow through on threats. However, that didn't mean the woman was without her faults. One such fault was money; she always wanted more of it. Perhaps it was losing their parents at a young age, perhaps it was just her, but Mademoiselle Lefevre was frugal and always looking for more ways to make money. When she brought Ismérie and Mirielle into her home, her intentions were pure; she truly did want to help the two struggling girls. Of course, her ulterior motive was that Fabien would marry one of the two girls and at first, she had preferred Mirielle over the younger and more rambunctious Ismérie. Mirielle was religious, simple, hardworking... A perfect example of what a wife should be and perhaps the most ideal for her brother. However, Ismérie was high-bred, intelligent, and engaging. Perhaps not an ideal wife, she was tolerable. Plus, she was the prettier of the two.

Had Jeanne pushed Mirielle on Fabien from the beginning, she knew they would have been married by now. In fact, it was partially her fault that he wanted the younger girl so badly; she had pushed her on him. Fabien had indeed noticed the beauty of the girl, but he wasn't fond of how much younger than she was compared to him. She kept feeding to him how much she like Ismérie and how well the two looked together. How she was made by God just for Fabien. He was easily manipulated, especially by her. But what drove her to to push the girl? It was simple. Her passion for money.

Here she stood with her brother, ready to tell him everything. She knew this made her a wicked person, but she had always assumed that the two would marry and eventually grow on each other. Jeanne hadn't taken into account that Ismérie might meet another man who was perhaps better suited to her. It was generally known around their neighborhood that the two were more than likely going to get married and had backed off, considering her engaged.


Jeanne returned from her thoughts, lifting her head up high, "Know, Fabien, that my whole life, everything I have done is for you. Mother and Father left me with you when you were so young and I love you."

"Please, Jeanne. I know this and I love you as well, but what does this have to do with Ismérie."

She sighed, taking a seat, "She is not as destitute as we once believed."

He looked confused, "What do you mean?"

Her voice was solemn and ashamed, "On her father's side, she was the only grandchild they had... They were extremely wealthy. Their butler... One Monsieur Latour... He was the one who told her that there was no money left. Monsieur Latour has been paying me to do this."

"What? Why? Sister, I'm surprised at you. How could you even agree to this?"

"You see... Ismérie is already betrothed to a young man, but her parents and grandparents died before they could tell her. The family decided that if she does not come forward within the next year, they will call off the engagement and Monsieur Latour will inherit the Chénier fortune. If you marry her or at least keep her busy for another year, he will give us a percentage of this fortune."

Fabien couldn't believe his ears. He had always viewed his sister as a virtuous woman; she had always been dedicated to taking care of him and she was generous and caring towards others. Never before had he seen this side of her. This manipulative, calculating side of her. Suddenly, he felt guilty. Not only was Ismérie being forced into this life, but she was being lied to... Such cruel and terrible deception, "I don't want a part in this, Jeanne... This is not only low, but despicable."

"Fabien, don't destroy what we've worked so hard for."

Fabien glared at his sister, "What we've worked hard for? You misled me into stealing another man's fiancee! And all might be lost anyway with that Enjolras around!"

"This is why you must keep her away from him!"

"Jeanne, this is... This is just disgraceful!"

"That is why you will marry her at the end of the year, Fabien. She will no longer belong to another! We will live in comfort and you can give her the life she used to have!"


"Little brother, my sweet little brother! You want her to be happy, correct?"

"Well... Yes, but-"

"Fabien, you're a handsome man with a steady job. This marriage will bring in even more money. Imagine you're the one to give her the life she had as a child? All of those books and leisure time? Servants? She will fall in love with you soon enough!"

Fabien looked unsure of it, "Is she truly that materialist you think, sister?"

Jeanne lied, not that Fabien could tell, "I know so, brother. I've heard her and Mirielle talk."

"And what of Enjolras?"

"What of him? He's a student, he won't be around forever."

Fabien looked embarrassed, "I made a mistake..."

"What happened?"

"I told Enjolras to court her in anger."

Jeanne's face turned red with anger, but she said nothing. Instead, she turned away from her brother, facing the wall and breathing slowly in and out. Fabien looked nervous; the only person that could strike fear into him was Jeanne. Gradually, she began to calm and think. Suddenly, she got an idea. She turned around quickly, "If they court, let them court. If this Enjolras is who he says he is, this relationship will not last or perhaps even begin. Perhaps, he'll court her for a few months, but marriage? My dear brother, not many men want to marry girls like Ismérie and even if he did want to marry her, families like his will never allow it. Not only is she poor, but they'll take one look at her lineage and remove the relationship at the root. She is a commodity and easily disposable, not a wife. When he leaves her, she will run to you. That is why you must allow their continued meeting while at the same time, be so kind to her that she begins to feel guilty. Shower her with affection, buy her gifts. Perhaps your blunder is what we needed."  


I'm sorry for the short chapter, but this is mostly a filler chapter to give more insight into Jeanne and Fabien. Don't worry. There's a 99% chance it won't be this short again. This shortest that I write is usually a little over 1000 words. I'm going to start working on the next chapter tonight and it will probably be up tomorrow or the next day!                                                                                                                                                                                         

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