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"let him go." the man in the beige turtleneck ordered strernly.
(a/n: he's called the man in the beige turtleneck but i'll refer to him as he, him or his or maybe just the man for simplicity and uhm reasons)

"carefully. i need him in one piece."

he switched on the lights. the center of the place lighting up.

the first and second assistant picking up the heavy sack from the trunk of the ominous black car carefully.

"he's quite heavy for his height and age." the second assistant mumbled.

"he's ripped what do you expect?" the first one harshly answered.

the third assistant pulling a certain chair from the corner. putting it on the center.

two assistants carrying the unconscious boy. they put him gently on the chair.

the second assistant inserting the tube of the oxygen mask to an oxygen tank. throwing the mask to the third. he lightly presses the snout of the mask on the boy's face. pulling the lace putting it on the back of his head carefully to not interfere with his carefully placed almost-perfect blindfold.

they all tie the boy's hands to the back of chair with thick rope. his legs tied up also with thick rope on the front-left and front-right pegs of the chair.

"open the tank." he ordered. the first assistant following his order. turning the tank on.

"now, we wait." he mumbled to himself.

the boy regaining consciousness. his head shooting up slowly.

"ah, you're awake i see." he stands up from the chair approaching the tied up boy.

"what's your name again? i forgot." he mockingly questioned the half-conscious boy.

no response.

"i said. what. is. your. name." which the boy earned a right hand hitting his right cheek hard. it's now red.

"aGH," the boy breathing heavily through the mask.

the boy now fully conscious. petrified and shaking.

"now, tell me. what is your name?" he ordered. the boy still remaining silent. his breathing stabilizing.

"or maybe you'd like another? this time using my knuckles straight to your eye." warned the man.

"jimin. park j-jimin, sir." he almost screamed out. his voice very shaky.

the man recognizes his voice. he's silent.

"ah," he scoffed his chin with his right hand.

"it is you. i thought i'd never find you."

"m-me?" the boy responds with a shaky voice.

he approaches the boy. kneeling down in a genuflect position. rustling the boy's hair. reaching for his blindfold. grabbing it with a light grip. slowly loosens the tie at the back of the boy's head. pulling it down.

there he saw. the park jimin he was looking for.

"now jimin," shuffling closer to jimin. signalling his assistants to give him something. jimin confused.

one of his assistants taking the flipped picture frame from across the room.

"this?" he puts up the object in the air.

"yes, that." he said in a more normal tone. almost like there was sadness and remorse in his voice.

the assistant walking towards him giving the picture frame.

"what is this person's name? what is he to you?" the man holding the frame with his left hand and pointing with his other at the boy next to him (jimin).

"why am i there? w-why is he there? how the actual fuck did you find this? what do you fucking mean 'what he is to me'?" jimin raises his voice.

jimin always becomes protective when it comes to his bestfriend.

"i'm the one asking questions here. answer me first." he raised two eyebrows.

jimin chuckles. his voice very breathy because of the mask. "ah whatever. he's taehyung. kim taehyung. my bestfriend."

"ah, so i was correct after all." the man smirks.

jimin not knowing what to respond.

"the reason you're here, in care, and quarantined here is because i need you for something. i—"

jimin nudges his chair.

"if you'll be stubborn, i'll punish you. if you'll obey me, i'll reward you."

"that sounds fucking kinky." jimin furrows his eyebrows.

"hA, good one." he chuckles sarcastically and slaps jimin's cheek again.

jimin could not help it, but something about his laughter reminded jimin of. he could not put his mind into it.

'i swear to god i've heard this laugh before. where did i hear it. it's so familiar. what is it? this man is giving off a familiar aura. it's so familiar. i might've actually encountered this several times. it just— AH- it's him.'

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